He was supposed to receive 40 years in prison! She suffered VIOLENCE FOR A LONG TIME


Milan Trbojević (57) from Inđija was sentenced to 20 years in prison for the brutal murder of his wife Nada Đukić (58), which occurred on March 8, 2019 at his home in Čortanovici, and the children of the victims say this sentence it is inadequately small.

By the way, Trbojević has up to two per thousand alcohol in his blood at the time of the crime, and he stabbed the unfortunate woman in the neck with a knife until he killed her.

The motive for this murder, which took place on International Women’s Day, was Trbojevic’s sick jealousy. After the court found Milan Trbojević guilty of the crime, the sons of the murdered woman Goran and Živko Obradović told “Kurir” through their lawyers that they were not satisfied with the amount of the sentence.

Crime scenePhoto: Nenad Mihajlović / RAS Serbia

Crime scene

– We did not live with my mother, but we had certain suspicions that her husband was abusing her. She never told us that, but occasionally she would complain to him and tell him they had problems. We only learned at trial that he had beaten her for a long time, the Obradović said, noting that they considered the punishment for her mother’s death inappropriate.

As the lawyer Vladimir Alisić, who represented the injured brothers, said, this crime, according to the children’s information, was only the culmination of the violence that their mother suffered for a long time.

– They believe that the sentence is not a strong enough message, nor is the purpose of prevention achieved, because the inmate committed violence even before the murder. The children did not expect such a verdict and believe the court missed an opportunity to send a clear message that violence should not be tolerated, says lawyer Alisić.

The house where Trbojevic lived and Nada was murderedPhoto: Nenad Mihajlović / RAS Serbia

The house where Trbojevic lived and Nada was murdered

Confirmed guilt

Alisic noted that they were satisfied with the speed with which the Sremska Mitrovica High Court carried out the procedure.

– They are satisfied that the court found guilty and rendered the verdict in a short period of time, but they believe that he should have been sentenced to a maximum sentence of 40 years – added Alisić.

Let us remind you, the court determined that the spouses were with a friend on the fateful night and that he drank a few more glasses. They got into a fight, so Nada, who worked in kindergarten, went home earlier. Milan followed her and killed her in the courtyard of her house.

He thought his wife was cheating on him and insulted him

Witnesses also confirmed that Nada’s husband physically abused her even before the murder.

– His head was often bruised, and once he broke into our house, all smashed and beaten. Milan was jealous, he thought she was cheating on him. He told her everything, insulted her for burying her two husbands without her wanting it, said one of the witnesses in court.
