“He was right, the new restrictions will not work.”


Belgrade: Everything that happened over the weekend only confirmed that I was right when I said that the new restrictions would not work, Goran Vesi said.

Source: Tanjug

Tanjug, Rade Preli

Tanjug, Rade Preli

The deputy mayor of Belgrade, as a guest on the morning TV show Happy, said that there were several people in the same area in the prickly centers and restaurants in a short period of time, and that it was noted that many meetings were held private. place because people who could not attend moved to apartments in public places.

Vesi stated that over the weekend, the communal militia dispersed dozens of riots and meetings in Belgrade.

“The fact that those who organize urks continue to do so despite the fact that working hours have been reduced has shown that they are not interested if the restaurants open until 2, 8 or 10 pm. They will surely cover the measures hoping that do not get arrested, “he said. Weight.

He evaluated that by shortening working hours, ordinary people who travel with all epidemiological measures were targeted, as well as restaurants that operate in accordance with all the rules, announced the city’s Information Secretariat.

“Those who started the measures continued to do the same because they are not interested in working hours. I see that the organizer of the urka at the Fair was sentenced to three months in prison. The organizers of the urka in Tamajdan were arrested. They Are the ones who should be punished, not ordinary citizens. Catering services, hairdressers and everyone who goes through all the measures, “explained Vesi.

The deputy mayor said that he personally and Belgrade hope that the economy will continue to function from today until 8:00 p.m., as it was until the weekend, as well as that the working day will be extended.

“They always repeat that the length of the working day does not influence the number of infected, but rather whether the measures are followed or not. And, of course, vaccination and revaccination ”, Vesi pointed out.

He stated that almost 20 percent of Belgrade’s adult population has already been vaccinated and more than 10 percent, that is, more than 275,000 citizens, have been revaccinated.

“I am especially happy because in the population of ’75 + ‘almost 43 percent of the people were vaccinated, while in the population of ’65 +’ almost 45 percent of the citizens were vaccinated. If we continue at this rate We will quickly enter a situation where Belgrade returns to normal life, as before the crown. That is what we all want and that is why I am committed to that goal, “said Vesi.

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