He was received by the chief, General Mojsilovic


MINISTER STEFANOVIĆ ON THE FIRST VISIT TO THE GENERAL STAFF: He was received by the Chief, General Mojsilović

Photo: Ministry of Defense

BELGRADE – The Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia and Defense Minister Dr. Nebojsa Stefanovic visited the Serbian Army General Staff today. Stefanović was received in front of the honor guard by the Chief of the General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, and members of the Collegium. As part of the newly appointed Defense Minister’s first visit to the General Staff, a meeting was held during which the Chief of the General Staff presented the organization and basic tasks of the Serbian Army, as well as officers in key leadership positions and I command in our army.

General Mojsilović informed Minister Stefanović that the operational capabilities of the Serbian army are of a high level, that the situation is stable and that it ensures the execution of the missions and tasks assigned to the Serbian army.

photo: Ministry of Defense

On his own behalf and on behalf of the members of the Serbian army, General Mojsilović wished Minister Stefanović every success in his new role. Minister Stefanović thanked General Mojsilović and the members of the College of the Chief of the General Staff for their sincere and cordial welcome. – It is an exceptional part of me that I can manage a system like the Ministry of Defense and that I can help the Serbian army to be even better equipped, in better condition and of course justify the confidence of President Vučić, who is the Supreme Commander of our army – said Minister Stefanović

According to him, it is very important that in the next period we have additional equipment for the Army, to invest money and improve all the capabilities that the Army has.

photo: Ministry of Defense

– Increase their combat readiness, their capabilities in peacetime and so that the Serbian Army continues to be the guarantor of the security and stability of our region and the security of our country even more efficiently – said the Minister of Defense . As he said, he was honored that in today’s meeting he had the opportunity to familiarize himself with the most important roles of the Serbian army and that in the next period he can work hard every day to contribute to making the Serbian army even better equipped and stronger. – What can we do together so that the citizens of Serbia feel supported for their security every day? – emphasized Minister Stefanović.


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