HE WAS EXPOSED TO UNFAIR CONDEMNATIONS! Bishop Irinej of Bačka delivered a STRONG SPEECH to the late Patriarch (TELEVISION MAIL)


The Bishop of Bačka Irinej, one of the most esteemed Serbian bishops, delivered a sermon on the late Patriarch Irinej.

With great respect and strong words, he described the late patriarch as a bearer of myrrh, someone who created peace and served God from the earliest youth.

The bishop also referred to certain, as he himself put it, unfair tribunals who, to his shame, wanted to portray the late patriarch as rigid, impatient and even indulgent and ready for “rotten compromises.”

The Bishop of Bačka Irinej pointed out that all of this was not true and that the late Patriarch Irinej was an example of a man who lived the Gospel.

– We bid him farewell more with joy than with sadness, said the bishop.



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Author: delivery courier
