He was driving at 167 an hour, he ran away from the police and when they caught up with him, there was chaos! This is what was discovered


Members of the Ministry of the Interior, the Traffic Police Administration, on the Belgrade-Sid highway, in New Belgrade, during a traffic control with a so-called “interceptor”, stopped a driver who was driving at a speed of 167.3 kilometers per hour.

Police officers filed a misdemeanor complaint for violent driving against the driver (21) of a BMW car that was circulating at a speed of 167.3 kilometers per hour on the road, in the part where the speed limit is limited to 80 kilometers per hour.

In addition, the driver did not act on the orders of the policemen and did not stop the vehicle, but instead left the road and went through the red light twice. After the police stopped the driver, breathalyzer tests determined that he had 1.33 per thousand of alcohol in his body, while a device to detect psychoactive substances determined that he was under the influence of narcotics, so he remained in the police premises.

The misdemeanor court sentenced the perpetrator to a fine of 240 hours of work in the public interest, a fine of 300,000 dinars, a ban on driving a motor vehicle for 12 months and 25 penalty points, for which he will be revoked. driver’s license.

The police are appealing to drivers to adjust the speed of their vehicles to the current legal regulations, since unadjusted speed is the most common factor in the occurrence of traffic accidents.


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Author: delivery courier
