“He was breathing and talking normally, but he was complaining of a TERRIBLE HEADACHE and I knew it was a DANGEROUS SYMPTOM”: This is the LAST thing he told me


Ana Maria (50) from Manchester planned to marry her fiancé Neil. However, Neil (58) passed away seven days ago from Kovid-19, and Ana Marija says that loneliness and isolation kill her.

– When I took Neil to the hospital on March 31, I was convinced that he would be coming home soon. The option of him dying did not occur to me. Even when they called me from the hospital on April 21 to tell me they would have to take him off the respirator, I didn’t think he was going to die – says the shocked woman.

Unfortunately, Neil passed away on April 22.

Ana Maria Hunt

Ana Maria HuntPhoto: Facebook

– The last thing he said to me was “I just want to hold hands and walk along the beach.” I told him that we would do that and that we would have countless photos, since he is a photographer. He just smiled, didn’t answer anything. I think I knew I was going to die, ”he says.

Ana Marija also says that the two were inseparable, which makes her loneliness even more difficult.

– He started coughing and his condition was deteriorating rapidly, so he was admitted to the hospital on March 31. He did not have any chronic illnesses, except that in 2016 he suffered a stroke. When he started complaining of excruciating headaches, I knew it was a symptom of oxygen starvation and immediately called the hospital. Also, he had no problem speaking, he was breathing well. Even when they took him to the hospital, he joked with the paramedics. However, the ultrasound showed that his lungs were severely damaged and it turned out that he had a severe lack of oxygen in his blood. They put him on a respirator. In the end, they told me they had to get it off oxygen to avoid organ failure. He died the next day – she says.

Ana Maria Hunt

Ana Maria HuntPhoto: Facebook

Ana Marija has been in a relationship with Nile since 2014 and says this will be her first Christmas without him.

– My daughter lives close to me, but I don’t want to burden her and she has her own life. I feel terribly lonely. I was inseparable from Neil, and now it’s even more difficult for me due to the quarantine, so I can’t change my thoughts, I’m just conjuring up memories – she says.
