He was arrested several times, shot, robbed, exchanged …


After police arrested NJ (27) from Belgrade last night on suspicion that he shot a “Mercedes” parked in Karaburma, then hit a young man (25) in Mirijevo and shot him in the air, it was revealed that he had done so before. similar incidents.

Let us remind you that the drama occurred on Monday around 7.30pm, when, as suspected, NJ fired on a “Mercedes” from a “Renault” vehicle that he was driving.

– The motive for the savagery is assumed to be the unsolved narcotics bill. “Mercedes” is driven by a woman, but, according to police operational information, it is driven by SR, who is known to the police for drug-related crimes – says the source and adds that NJ was arrested by Intervention Unit 92 with fast and efficient action.

photo: Sonja Spasić

– In his “Renault” bullets and a pistol were found, which he had in illegal possession, added the source.

JN was previously arrested for illegal possession of weapons, theft, forgery, domestic violence, attacks on the police and attempted murder.

– It was related to the 2015 shooting in front of the “Plastik” club, when a Turkish citizen was injured. The stranger was hit by a bullet fired in front of the club, after security expelled three guests, who got into the car and shot security. A shot went through the door and hit the guest, recalls the source.

(Kurir.rs/JR/photo: MUP)

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
