He wants to “clear everything up” in Serbia as soon as possible (VIDEO)


Ivan Kontić (30), who was arrested on Sunday on suspicion of brutally beating Miljan M. (28) in Novi Sad on August 24, agreed to be extradited to Serbia in an abbreviated procedure at a hearing before the Podgorica High Court.

As Kurir learns, he submitted personal data and testified about the extradition procedure.

– I agree to be extradited to Serbia through an expedited procedure. If you do not order my arrest, I will immediately go to Serbia on my own – Kontić allegedly said, after which his arrest was ordered.

This is how Kontić was arrested

A firm promise

That Kontić agreed to be transferred to Serbia, as well as that his arrest in extradition was ordered yesterday, was confirmed for the Montenegrin media by his lawyer Damir Lekić.

Goreo armored “mercedes”

Did Kontić’s car catch fire?

In Kisacka Street in Novi Sad, a few hours after Ivan Kontić’s arrest, an armored “Mercedes” owned by the security company of which Kontić was the director caught fire. The “Mercedes” was parked in front of the betting house.

– The front part was burned and the first results of the investigation show that the fire started. Suspicions are being verified that by setting fire to the car Kontić was driving before the incident, someone wanted to send him a threat or a message, says a source from the investigation, explaining that the car is not driven to Kontić, but to the company and you just used it.

photo: Printscreen, Ministry of the Interior of Serbia

– After a confidential conversation, the defendant decided to agree to initiate the process and be handed over to the judicial authorities of the Republic of Serbia as soon as possible before the High Court of Novi Sad, given that he has facts and circumstances that call into question the qualification legal. attempted murder, clarified all the facts and circumstances adequately and completely – said Kontić’s lawyer and added:

– Made a firm promise to the court that there is no need for anyone to deprive him of his liberty and take him into custody and that if he is released he will go immediately to Serbia. However, the judge ordered his detention for up to 30 days – stated Lekić and explained that now the extrajudicial criminal panel must decide and that, if it evaluates that the conditions are met, that decision must be signed by the Minister of Justice.

– So the Serbian judicial authorities are waiting to come and look for the person for whom they issued an arrest warrant – he explained the extradition procedure.

Illegally crossed the border

Kontic, for whom Serbia issued an Interpol arrest warrant, remember, was arrested on Sunday in a rented apartment in the Zabjelo settlement in Podgorica. It is suspected that he beat an acquaintance and a colleague, with whom he allegedly worked in a company that is part of a gambling chain, and broke his arm while lying unconscious. The unprecedented beating was caught on camera at the Novi Sad gambling shop, and the injured agreed to cooperate with the police only days later. Meanwhile, Kontić, who hails from Nikšić, escaped and, as announced by the Police Administration of Montenegro, hid in various places in that country. – He crossed the border illegally – it says in the advertisement.

(Kurir.rs/J. Spasić – S. Stojanović / photo Printscreen, MUP Srbije, MUP CG)

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
