He wanted to take the blame for his brother, and this is how the police found out


At the suggestion of the Sremska Mitrovica High Prosecutor’s Office, brothers Dejan (38) and Nebojsa Eric (36), suspected of killing brothers Predrag (43) and Stanislav Jelicic (37) from Futog, were detained for up to 30 days.

They were interrogated in the prosecutor’s office for several hours today, where Novosti has learned that they recounted what happened on Sunday morning when they reached the forest near Sremska Mitrovica.

In addition to aggravated homicide, they are also charged with the illicit production, possession, carrying and trafficking of weapons and explosives.

The bloody crime, according to the information of the investigation, happened because of the truffles, as four men went in search of precious mushrooms.

“First there was a fight between Dejan and one of the Jelicic brothers, and very quickly everything turned into a physical confrontation, and then into a gunshot,” says a source in the investigation.

Dejan first told police that he shot both Jelicics, but the discovery of a “paraffin glove” established that his brother Nebojsa also shot.

The Eric brothers were taken to the detention unit of the Sremska Mitrovica Penitentiary on Tuesday.


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