He waited for the young man to return to Belleville and then ran to him. THE ATTACKER HAD A PISTOL WITH A SILENCER


THE KILLER LOOKED FOR BOJAN ALL DAY: He waited for the young man to return to Belleville, and then he ran towards him!  THE ATTACKER HAD A PISTOL WITH A SILENCER

Photo: Social media, Zorana Jevtić

Bojan Mirković (34), who was killed the day before yesterday in New Belgrade, the killer was waiting to leave the supermarket.

He allegedly arrived at the crime scene with an electric scooter and carried a helmet and a silencer pistol in his hands.

Mirkovic, believed to be close to the “scalp clan”, went shopping for food. He reached the underground garage where he saw his attacker and ran toward the apartment building and the elevator. However, the killer caught up with him and shot him in the same elevator entrance to the underground garage.

Most likely, the silencer is the reason that none of the neighbors knew what happened and did not hear the shot.

– I kept coming home with bags from the store. He looked like a family man, Mirkovic’s neighbors said on the day of his murder.

The neighbors had only pleasant words for the murdered Mirković. They claim that he was nice and that he appeared in the passage, and only one thing aroused suspicion.

– We wondered what he was doing and what he was doing, he was driving an expensive car, but we really did not think that this would come because of that – said the residents of the Belleville settlement where Mirković lived and where he was killed.

Deep connections with the criminal milieu

In addition to the scalping clan, Mirkovic is also linked to the murdered Aleksandar Sarc, who was a member of the international gang of thieves “Pink Panthers”. It is alleged that Mirković, together with him, acquired vehicles for liquidation and handled logistics in connection with the murders organized by the murdered Damir Hadžić and the missing Lazar Vukićević.

Let us remind you, Damir Hadžić was assassinated in Corfu on July 23, along with the leader of the bar clan, a team close to Skaljar, Alan Kožar. Vukicevic disappeared last month in Belgrade. His family suspects that he was kidnapped, but the possibility that he was killed is not ruled out.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
