He tried to kill a Belgrade citizen out of passion for the beautiful Nishlijka


COURT UNDERSTANDING A LOVE DRAMA IN NIS: Tried to kill a Belgrade citizen out of passion for the beautiful woman Nis

Photo: MS, Marina Lopicic

NIŠ – The development of a love drama in which IM (33) from Niš is charged with the crime of attempted murder of NM (38) from Belgrade, and due to mutual passion for AP from Niš, started today before the High Court .

The three today gave their opinion on those moments and the circumstances in which everything happened.

Few guessed that on February 24 of this year, around 3 p.m., those scenes would take place in Nishlija’s apartment in front of her nine-year-old daughter. NM was in a relationship with Aleksandar for two years, but after some problems, he got in contact with the accused IM by phone and otherwise. At trial, she claimed that they knew each other two months before the incident and that the relationship lasted eight months. In addition to the three, in the apartment were a nine-year-old girl and a friend who was not involved in the incident.

photo: MS

A Belgrade citizen was in the apartment that day, and Nishlija came in and knocked on the bedroom door through which he first came out and knocked on him two or three times. After that, Nishlija took out a knife with a two-inch blade from the pocket of his purse. The woman they were fighting over came between the two.

Nislija slashed the Belgrader below the shoulder and then, saluting, stabbed him in the left side of the chest, just a few inches from the heart, and then said: Nishlija cursed his mother.

When the wounded man picked up his shirt and, as he said today, “saw blood drip,” he got up and did something amazing. He took the documents, ran out of the apartment so bloody with three cuts and a stab wound, and ran to the Emergency Center to pass out at the door of the health center.

photo: MS

– I agree with the accusation, but not that I shot him after the sting. I emphasize that this should not have happened and for that I apologize. That day I didn’t sleep, I took heroin, and then I went to a beer library with a friend and from there to the apartment. While we were at the betting house, she called me several times. She told me that she was in debt to the Belgrade citizen and that she needed 2,000 dinars to give her a ticket to Belgrade. When I knocked on the bedroom door, I wanted to talk about everything. She came out, started cursing me, and hit me two or three times. As I have a large diopter, my glasses fell off and I feared for my health because I had fallen from the scaffold before and was in hospital for two months. So I took a knife in self defense and headed towards him. When I saw that I had stabbed him, I realized what I had done and slipped away. I didn’t shoot him like they said. The knife that I carry with me is there to serve me at work to cut bread, salami when I eat. I was in a relationship with her for eight months, she met my mother and that was the end of the matter with the Belgrade citizen – said Nishlija.

photo: Youtube Printscreen

The Belgrade man denied his accusations, saying they were an “outright lie.”

– What kind of emotional connection? She did not leave the apartment. Maybe they saw each other five or six times and she really cheated on me. He called her 50 times that day. Then she appeared with a friend when she introduced herself as an inspector, and who asked me first as a right to reside in that department. She and I hadn’t been on good terms for a while for the money, and even once I was drunk, I hit her. The defendant kicked the bedroom door that day and when I came out he was cursing. I punched him. Then he took out a knife and started to greet him, who tried to separate us and while waving, he stabbed me. Actually, at that moment while waving, I didn’t see her holding a knife in her hands. I got up and when I saw blood coming out of me, I ran towards the Clinical Center, which is 300 meters away. There I fell and they had to give me morphine – said the citizen of Belgrade in court.

Nishlijka, who is older than the two chosen ones, was very upset at the beginning of the trial.

– I entered a world I did not belong to and now I am trying to return to a normal path. Everything happened so fast that I don’t remember the details, but I know that I was between the two … – said Nishlijka. The next trial hearing is scheduled for October 26, when health experts are expected to give their opinion.


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Author: delivery courier
