He took the cross out of the grave and hit the teens, hitting when it came!


THE PRIEST BREAKS THE CHILD'S HEAD: He took the cross out of the grave and hit the teens, hitting when it came!

Photo: Facebook, Private Archive

A minor (17) from the Svetozar Miletić settlement near Sombor was injured on Sunday when, as he stated in the report to the police, Catholic priest A. E. hit him on the head with a cross that he took from the grave.

The strange attack occurred around 11 pm on Calvary, where the injured teenager was with friends.

– The victim was with several friends and a friend in a place that everyone in the town knows as a viewpoint and from where you can see a beautiful view of the entire area. Otherwise, the meeting is not prohibited there. While the teenagers were hanging out, talking and joking, a priest appeared with two men – says our source and adds: – The priest asked them what they were doing and at first it did not seem that he was angry or furious. However, in the next, he turned to the children. He had a wooden cross in his hands, which he took from the grave, and it is known from whom. He shook it as if to fly. Seeing that the situation was serious, the teenagers started running down the nearby stairs.

Our source adds that the priest allegedly hit the girl on the back with a cross and then shot the teenager.

– As he ran down the stairs, the minor felt a strong blow to the head from behind. He grabbed the injured part with his hand and saw that it was bleeding. He went to the doctor, where they told him that the wound was about 3.5 centimeters long, they sewed it up and bandaged it. Although it is a minor bodily injury because, fortunately, the skull did not crack, it is still serious, the source says, adding that the girl received fewer blows to the back.

Inappropriate He was photographed in a coffin

Locals say that priest A. E. often behaves inappropriately, considering the vocation he is fulfilling. As they say, there are photos on his Facebook profile that show that the priest is tattooed, that he likes to drink, but also to jump into the fire with minors and do push-ups on the flames. The priest even took a photo of himself lying in a coffin, putting a whole egg in his mouth, swinging on a child’s swing.

photo: Facebook

As Kurir’s interlocutor adds, the injured minor said after the impact “that he had the impression that a meteorite had hit him in the head.” – He said that everything shook in an instant and that his vision became blurred, and when he saw the blood, he thought it was the end – says the interlocutor.

As we discovered, the case was reported to the police and the Basic Prosecutor’s Office was notified.

– We order the police to collect the necessary information to determine if there are elements of a criminal act, taking into account that the minor has minor injuries, says a source from the prosecution.

Svetozar Miletic residents say they heard that a Catholic priest was involved in the incident. – We have little contact with him, and we are not even sure what is true. He is said to have attacked the children, the locals say and add: He lives here alone and has a slightly freer demeanor. He is rarely in church, he hangs out a lot in pubs. It is not exactly what people think of a priest.

We tried to contact A. E. yesterday, as well as the church where he serves, but no one answered the phone numbers of the well-known editorial office.

Messenger / J. Rafailović – J. Ivić

Photo: Facebook, private file

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