He told his wife he was going to Belgrade, got into a taxi and disappeared



20.12.2020. 07:00

Milan Ljepoja reportedly went to the capital to buy a car, but soon lost track. One possibility is that he has taken refuge on his own.


Taxi, Photo: AP Photo / Andrea Comas)

Nishlija Milan Ljepoja, who is believed to be the leader of the notorious “Pink Panther” jewelry thief gang, disappeared last Wednesday when he went to Belgrade to allegedly buy a car. Police are determining whether Lepoja went into hiding because his associates were attacked or something more terrible happened.

As we learn, his lawyer reported Ljepoj missing when the family was concerned that he would not return from Belgrade.

– Ljepoja told his wife that he had an appointment to buy a car. Then he called a taxi, got in and left, leaving his mobile phone at home, which he used for daily contact. He took the special call: a mobile phone used to communicate only with a small number of people. Somewhat later that number became unavailable and the wife fears that something has happened to Ljepoja, because so far she has not had such outbursts – reveals the source “Alo!”

A spectacular robbery in Dubai

Milan Ljepoja became known to the general public after it was suspected that he was part of the team that carried out the spectacular robbery in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on April 27, 2007.

They then broke into the shop window of the “Graf” jewelry store with a black and white “Audi” and, disguised as ghosts, smashed the shop windows and took jewelery worth about 11 million euros. Later, the police identified them and one of the members of that team was Ljepoja. Borko Ilincic, who was allegedly one of the leaders along with Ljepoja, was arrested and extradited to the Emirates, but committed suicide in prison. No jewelry was ever found.

As we find out, for now, the case is reported missing and all of Ljepoja’s contacts are being reviewed.

An aggravating factor in this case is that he also had a number that was not recorded for him and was also excluded. There are various speculations about what happened to the leader of the “Pink Panther”. One of the assumptions is that Ljepoja took refuge alone, because he thought he was in danger, considering that Aleksandar Šarac, who was considered a member of the “Pink Panther”, was recently assassinated.

Also last month there was a wait for Andrija Z., another member of the team. After the wait, Andrija’s car was burned, and after that attack, she hid safely. It is not yet clear whether these cases are related, but our source believes that such a possibility exists as they are all known.

– Perhaps Ljepoja suspected that the search for team members had begun, so he took refuge until the situation calmed down a bit – explains our interlocutor, adding that the disappearances of other people from the world of organized fans have been reported and crime.

– For these disappearances, the possibility of eliminating the competition and the people who asked for friends who disappeared in the wrong place is not ruled out. Although there are no concrete traces of the missing, street stories are being reviewed that they were removed by a strong team that is trying to rule the streets of Belgrade and groups of fans. Police are trying to determine whether Ljepoja had contacts with the missing before and, if so, what his nature was. All options are open, and we hope that soon we will find clues that reveal what happened to him – concludes our source.
