He studied them in parallel, they are a great combination and one has an average of 10.00!


BELGRADE – Mina Kuzminac, who obtained diplomas from the Faculty of Law and Philology at the University of Belgrade, shows that it is possible to finish two faculties at the age of 24. She is also planning doctoral studies and wants to stay in Serbia.

His average in the Faculty of Law is ten, in the Faculty of Philology it is eight. Mina explains that her choice of studies is logical, because there are many connections between law and philology.

“In general, language is very important to law, from the drafting of legal acts to interpretation. And the importance of many foreign languages ​​in international organizations and in international law must also be taken into account. More able to observe from the perspective of another person both the legal norms and the understanding and everything that is written and said “, says Mina Kuzminac for RTS.

Secondary school competitions in the Serbian language have replaced student competitions in international law.

photo: RTS print screen

“Last year I was part of the team of the School of Law in the International Competition for Arbitrary Resolution of International Trade Cases. We learned a lot of new things how to write legal acts, how to speak. On the other hand, it taught us to really be a team that has a common task and goal, “says Kuzminac.

He writes short stories and essays, but keeps them in a drawer for now. He tells those entering the world of study to listen to the advice, but to choose for themselves what they will do.

“It is inevitable to make a great effort to achieve something great. On the other hand, I really want to tell everyone that they should follow their dreams, although it may be something different, since I decided to enroll two faculties in parallel, which is not so common,” he says Kuzminac.

He currently works in a law firm. He believes that he will successfully complete his doctoral studies and practically apply his knowledge in Serbia.


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Author: delivery courier
