Duke Voja Tankosic was one of the greatest heroes of our people in the 20th century. The interest of the Serbian people and the dear mother of Serbia has always been in the first place for him.
Voja Tankosic was born in 1880, and immediately after enrolling in the Military Academy, he met Dragutin Dimitrijevic Apis, with whom he overthrew the Obrenovic dynasty on May 29, 1903 and liquidated Draga’s brothers, Nikola and Nikodija Lunjevic.
He was a legendary Duke of Chetnik and participated in the Balkan wars and the First World War.
As a member of the comitatus organization, Tankosic was in the winter of 1903/04. sent to Skopje, Bitola and Thessaloniki, where he worked on organizing comitatus actions in Macedonia.
Tankosic was considered one of the bravest comitatus dukes and a good archer, and he performed in Macedonia, as well as in Kosovo and Metohija.
There is a legend about Voja Tankosic that says that in 1912 he slapped Winston Churchill, the later Prime Minister of Great Britain, and then a journalist, for a text in which he insulted the Serbs.
The Austrians were afraid of Voje even of the dead, let alone the living, because there was fear and tremors for the Ottomans and Bulgarians as well as for the Germans. To break the myth about Tankosic, with the help of one of our local pharmacists, they excavated Voj’s grave, took pictures with his body, and published it in the Viennese press.
During the retreat of the Serbian army on October 31, 1915, as a battalion commander, he was mortally wounded in Igrište near Veliki Popović. He died from his injuries in Trstenik on November 2, at the age of 35. His soldiers took him away and secretly buried him in the Trstenik cemetery, but the Austrians managed to find him, unearth him and, after establishing his identity, take a photograph of the corpse, to convince the public that he really is dead.
Along with the image of the tomb and the corpse, a text was published in which, in addition to reporting how “Voja Tankosic came to an end”, the heir to the throne, the ultimatum of his government, as well as the detail that Tankosic was punished. His mother Milja transferred the remains, with the help of the Association of Serbian Chetniks, and buried them in the New Belgrade Cemetery in 1922.
The following verses are engraved on the tombstone:
“The Serbian fairy weaves a crown of immortal glory for you, over your grave, Vojo, the comitatus cries of the company.
When he died, he held the rank of major in the Serbian army. He received many decorations for his bravery.
Many streets in Serbian cities are named after him.

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