Dušan Panajotović (43), a well-known MMA fighter and kick boxer, was arrested the day before yesterday in Kopaonik for breaking inventory at an elite hotel.
Panajotović got drunk and made a mess at the bar around midnight, where he broke everything he could get his hands on because the bartender didn’t want to serve him.
First, he harassed the waiter, and after an argument with the restaurant staff, he enraged and broke tables and other inventory in the restaurant. So far, details are not known why the waiter did not want to serve Panajotović, say sources close to the investigation.
That night, members of the Montenegrin Scalp Clan also stayed at the hotel.
There were some well-known members of the Skaljar clan in the hotel. Panajotovic was in the same bar, and it is not known what happened to him. It caused about 1,500 euros of damage. By the way, he is related to Raska because his ex-wife is his. She has a child with her, but now she lives with another man and works as a nurse, “said the source from Lens.
Panajatovic, who was allegedly in a relationship with stars Stanija Dobrojevic and Soraja Vucelic, barely calmed down and was later arrested. The Kraljevo Police Administration said that Panajotović received an arrest warrant for up to 48 hours on suspicion that he committed the crime of violent behavior and disturbing the public order and peace. He was detained at the Kopaonik Police Station, along with a criminal report, and was then supposed to be sent for questioning to the Raska Republic Prosecutor General’s Office.
Hotel employees said they had no idea about the incident and that everything was safe. Panajotović stayed at this luxury hotel, where nightly prices range from € 360 to € 700.
In addition to his sports career and his connections with famous stars, Panajotović is also known for his problems with the law. He was sentenced at the Belgrade High Court to four years in prison for wounding Sanjin Štilić (29) in the abdomen in front of a well-known Belgrade nightclub in March 2015.
However, he was sentenced to a single sentence of seven years in prison, as the Court of Appeals previously sentenced him to three and a half years in prison because in 2010 he tried to extort 50,000 euros from the vice president under threat of murder with his associates. It caused damages of around 1,500 euros. By the way, he’s related to Raska because his ex-wife is from that area. She has a son with her, but now she lives with another man and works as a nurse
However, the Belgrade Court of Appeal overturned the verdict condemning the ultimatum fighter to four years in prison for wounding Sanjin Stilic in the stomach and ordered a new trial. According to the court, the incident occurred in front of a Belgrade nightclub, after Štilić, who worked as a security guard, kicked out Nemanja Milenković, son of an associate witness, Dejan Milenković Bagzi.
Sanjin and Milenković Jr. clashed and then Panajotović left the club. He asked Sanjin, “Pussy, do you know who you pointed the gun at?” Panajotović claimed that he did not shoot Štilić and inflict serious bodily injuries on him, and that the wounded man did not charge him during the proceedings.
Stilic said he had known Panajotovic for a long time as head of security, but that he thought the kicker was not the one firing. Panajotović survived the waiting list in 2009 and was arrested several times before. Panajotović, known as the king of nightclub security, was inaccessible to the judiciary after the shooting in Belgrade and was arrested in December 2015, for which he was put behind bars.

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