He sent disgusting messages to a girl (13) and asked for THIS (PHOTO)


HORROR IN KRAGUJEVAC!  FALSE POLICE FALL FOR PEDOPHILIA: He sent disgusting messages to a girl (13) and asked for THIS (PHOTO)

Photo: Facebook screenshot

The National Assembly based in Kragujevac, falsely presenting himself as a police officer, sent disgusting messages to the fun 13-year-old youth, behind which are the pedophile hunters of the organization “Stoppedophilia SP”.

This middle-aged man asked the girl for her nude photos and videos, and was identified when she sent him her photo.

From the usual encounter of predators and minors and by exchanging several messages, a false member of the so-called Kosovo Police Service acted apparently harmless.

– How old are you? – Asked the under 13 and a half years – she answered.

– Do you like younger girls? – the girl asked the predatory policeman, to which he replied – Yes. But I would honestly wait for her to get married. – How old are you? Younger than me? the girl insisted. “No,” said this predator.

Following the question about the girl’s underage distraction, the police officer switched to increasingly vulgar vocabulary and asked her to strip, followed by correspondence in which the predator shows his true face.

– Take a photo. When are we going to meet? Send a challenging photo – asked the predator. – I have to wash the dishes. What is a challenging image? the girl asked. “Naked in my eyes, and so am I to you,” said this fake cop.

After several exchanges of messages, the girl asked him – Are you a policeman? – So what – he replied – Send me a pussy, but it’s good to see you with the face of the whole photo. It’s a recording? I ask. -How long does it take and what to see? asked the amusement of the girl. – While rubbing, while holding, let it last a little longer, about 5 minutes – demanded the predator.

According to the usual pattern of conversation, the girl’s diversion asked the policeman to send her a photo with a kiss, which he did, after which he was identified by pedophile hunters from the organization “Stoppedophilia SP”.

On the Facebook profile of the so-called policeman. The Kosovo National Police show photos of him proudly posing with a police badge, showing off to a wider audience the work he does.

– The person in question confirmed in conversation with the diversion that he is a policeman. A look at the photos on his Facebook profile gives the impression that he is a member of the so-called Kosovo Police Service. However, upon checking, we determined that the plate was false and that it was false, which we discovered after contacting the so-called Kosovo Police Service. In addition, we received a call from several women who had problems with him, in the real and virtual world – they said from the organization “Stoppedophilia SP”.

The correspondence with the juvenile diversion of the girl will be delivered to the competent authorities.


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Author: delivery courier
