He saved the life of a Belgrade citizen in an accident of which he became a good friend of his.



13.12.2020. 19:58

According to him, he fortunately succeeded because the doctors soon arrived and took care of the injured driver in a conscious state.

Car accident

You, Photo: Alo.rs/ Đ. METER.

traffic cop Exactly one year ago, Nemanja Ćelap made a new friend, when she saved death through a game of fate.

“I was coming back from work. When I was off the road, I saw a convoy and then a car accident. I walked over and saw a suffocated driver. He was fighting for his life.”

This is how Nemanja Ćelap (28), a traffic police officer, recounts the drama that occurred exactly one year ago, when he saved the life of DM (22) from Belgrade, who became his good friend.

In other words, on December 24, 2019, an accident occurred in which a car with a foreign license plate collided with another, moving in the same direction, at the time it turned from the Ring Road towards Bubanj Potok. As we have learned, the alien turned the column and crashed into a Belgrader car at high speed.

– I tried to open his door, but I couldn’t, because they were compressed by the blow. I saw another driver and his passengers. I asked them to help me, to open the door, but they paid no attention to me. They saw the damage in the car – says Ćelap and adds:

– I managed to open the passenger door myself. D. M was tied up, I was not allowed to touch the belt so that it would not move. I saw that his tongue blocked the flow of air. I managed to stick my tongue out at him and he started to breathe. I called 192 and the ambulance. While we waited for them, only one thing was on my mind. Let the young man hold out until the doctor arrives. I explained to him not to move and I asked him something unimportant so that he was awake all the time, but also to pay as little attention as possible to the injuries he had – says this young policeman.

According to him, he fortunately succeeded because the doctors soon arrived and took care of the injured driver in a conscious state.

– Thank God it all ended well. I found out a day later when the injured father called me. He thanked me and said that I had saved his son’s life. That made me especially happy, because there is nothing so strong that it can fill the soul of a person, like knowing that you saved someone’s life – says the policeman who, that December, made another friend.
