HE SAILED FROM ŠIDA THROUGH CROATIA TO DEATH! An investigation into the death of seven young people in a container discovered in Paraguay


These are three young people of Moroccan origin and one Egyptian, and their identification cards were issued at the Transit Reception Center in Adasevci, near Shida.

The container left Serbia on July 21 and reached its destination at the river port in the suburbs of Asunción, the Paraguayan capital, ahead of schedule. As confirmed this Saturday by the prosecutor Marcelo Saldívar, a total of seven people were found and all the victims were adults. He reiterated that they were most likely “blind passengers”.

According to data from the local maritime authorities of this South American country, the loaded metal object was moved from Serbia to Croatia, where the migrants, as assumed, probably planned to continue their journey. Then it reached Paraguay through Egypt, Spain and Argentina, after traveling almost 20,000 kilometers.

One of the deceased was identified as Ahmed Belmiloudi (20) from Morocco, while the other is the Egyptian Yasa Barbara (19). Paraguayan authorities continue to check the container and the body parts of the deceased that were found in it. The forensic doctor Pablo Lemir said that at least once “traces of suffocation can be seen as a possible cause of death.” The first data has already been sent to Interpol and the International Red Cross, in order to determine the circumstances and facts of this unusual case as soon as possible.


According to the Paraguayan media, there is a possibility that a person has tried to survive by eating the remains of their companions.

Paraguayan authorities also announced that the container with seven dead bodies, which was found in the settlement of Santa María de Asunción in the capital of this state, is owned by Vernon Rempel, a man who distributes insecticides. It was Rempel who opened the load in his warehouse, because of the unpleasant smell.

“When I opened that container, I didn’t immediately see the bodies, but I felt a strong stench,” Rempel told local media. – Only when, with the help of the forklifts and my workers, I took out the first pallet, did I notice a human bone, and then the remains of lifeless bodies, which were in an advanced state of disintegration. We immediately stopped all work, closed the container and reported it to the police.

Prosecutor Saldívar also said that the remains of the bodies of the illegal migrants were in the morgue, so that forensic experts could determine their age, sex, but also their nationality. Early findings show that the migrants likely died a few days after someone “boarded” them on the highway without returning.


The owner of the container load, Vernon Rempel, revealed to local journalists that he has been importing fertilizers from Serbia for seven years and that there have been no problems so far. He pointed out that he belongs to the farmer’s family and that the fertilizers he imports are for his own use, not commercial. The cargo from Serbia, which he bought, was packed in six containers.

– All bodies are in the disintegration phase, only bones, hair and nails remain. The coroner determined that the cause of death was “unknown” and that the date was likely three months ago. We found personal documents with two people, and we also noticed the account of a taxi company in Serbia, which indicates that they entered a container in that country. We assume that they came to Serbia from their country and that they planned to travel to the nearest destination in search of a better life, but they did not calculate the distance well, so they did not survive the trip.

It is unusual how, according to the Paraguayan Prosecutor’s Office, the unpleasant smell of the containers did not attract the attention of anyone in the ports during the three-month trip. The cargo owner said the shipping company sent photos showing when the container was loaded and when it was closed. The Paraguayan police will additionally review the route of the container and will also examine the mobile phones, which were found next to the body.


The Refugee and Migration Commissariat confirmed for “Novosti” that the people, whose identification cards of the Commissariat were found with the victims in the container in Paraguay, remained in their centers for the last time in July this year. As they explain from the Commissariat, the cards that are with them are the so-called Identification Cards of the centers that are used for our internal records and are used to divide the meals, verify the number and the like.

– It is good that at least those cards were found to find out what happened to the unfortunate people – they affirm from this institution. – We hope that the investigation will show if they entered the containers themselves, which is probably because it happens more frequently, or according to someone else.

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