“HE SAID HE WANTED TO GO TO SERBIA ON FOOT” Ivan Kontić surprised everyone with his strange defense, if the court approves it, he will be before our judiciary IN ONE MONTH


The arrested Ivan Kontić, suspected of brutally beating Miljana M. in Novi Sad on August 24, could appear before the Serbian prosecutor’s office at the end of November if the Montenegrin judiciary approves his extradition request through an abbreviated procedure.

After Kontić’s arrest, which followed a month of searching for him, this alleged assailant appeared before the judge for preliminary proceedings in Podgorica, where he stated that he wanted to decide on his extradition as soon as possible.

Ivan Kontić Photo: MUP RS

Ivan Kontić

– The judge who questioned you has 10 days to submit the case to the judicial panel that is considering the extradition request for decision. Subsequently, since the urgent procedure is in question, they have 30 days to make a decision on their extradition. This means that Kontić will be in Serbia at the end of November if this request is approved, says a source from “Blic” who is familiar with the case.

That Kontić asked to be extradited to Serbia was also confirmed by his defense attorney in Montenegro, Damir Lekić.

– Its intention is to present all the facts in Serbia and demonstrate that the classification of a criminal act cannot in any case be an assassination attempt, as affirmed by the Novi Sad High Prosecutor’s Office, but much lighter. He also said that he was ready to go to Serbia on foot, to which the judge replied that he could not, said to “Blic” the lawyer for Podgorica Damir Lekić, Kontić’s defense lawyer, adding that the defense had a different position, on which Kontić insisted. .

VIDEO: Kontić brutally beats a young man

Kontić is suspected of attempting to kill Miljan M.
Kontić is suspected of attempting to kill Miljan M.

Four weeks after the time the international arrest warrant was issued against him, Kontić was arrested on Sunday night at 5:50 p.m. in a rented apartment in the Podgorica neighborhood of Zabjelo. According to “Blic”, he changed apartments in the Montenegrin capital several times, which made it difficult for the police to locate and arrest him. In addition to changing the boxes, the problem was that he loosened his beard and partially changed his personal description. Despite all that, police found him and arrested him on Sunday.

Kontić, who has Montenegrin and Serbian citizenship, is accused of attempting to kill Miljan M. and, as reported by “Blic”, inflicted serious bodily injuries in the fight: a fracture of the fibula head, multiple bruises and tears to the head . . A few hours after the beating on Jevrejska Street on August 24, Miljan M. went to the KCV where he received medical assistance and was discharged for home treatment. As no search for Kontić was announced at that time, he left Serbia without any problem, and after a few days, also without problems at the border – arrest, he returned to another homeland. A few days after arriving in Serbia, on September 8, he was in the Novi Sad Basic Prosecutor’s Office, he signed an opportunity in another procedure, which was confirmed by this prosecutor’s office, noting that no registration was announced for him at that time . By the way, as “Blic” finds out, the men suspected of helping him after the fight, OL and LV were released from custody yesterday.

A video of the brutal beating of Miljan M. appeared in public on the night of September 11. The public was shocked by the images of brutal violence when an unidentified perpetrator struck an unconscious guy. As you can see in the video, bystanders and security tried to separate him from the victim, but without success. The chaos ensued later, when the attacker turned the beaten man upside down and broke his arms. The cause of the brutal beating has not been disclosed to the public to date. The day after the video was posted, the identity of the bully was revealed: Ivan Kontić, who was not in Serbia and was probably in Montenegro.

Father and godfather visiting

As “Blic” finds out from a source close to the case, Ivan Konić’s father and godfather received court approval in Podgorica to visit the suspect who is being held in extradition. As we found out, they will visit today.

VIDEO: Ivan Kontić beats and mutilates a young man lying on the ground
