“HE PROMISED ME THAT” Gagi told Miljković about Luna, Marko didn’t want to say a word about her! (VIDEO)


He wants to stay on good terms with his untested son-in-law.

Despite being Luna Djogani and Marko Miljkovic completely ignored by his father since they separated Gagi Djogani She has a great relationship with him, so they sat down and talked tonight after the show.

Photo: Pink TV Print Screen

I will have no problem with you, whether you are with Luna or not. My sisters are divorced, but I’m great with their ex-husbands, I even go out for a drink, everything is fine. People understand it a little differently, like we’re not on good terms right now, I shouldn’t be talking to you because you broke up. I behave as I feel. I will not go into the subject of its termination, it will solve it. Whatever happens, I can’t do anything about it. He only said at the black table that he would not prepare for me what he prepared when you broke, those screams, hysteria, that he would no longer allow himself to do so. She promised me that, not for you, but for any problems that happen. God forbid, it should be like that – Gagi said.

Now I’m a sniper for that topic, I don’t want anything – said Marko.

Not unrelated to you, that she screams here … And especially with you. They made me … I don’t have bags, I don’t cook – Djogani said.

Photo: Pink TV Print Screen

None of you can do anything, you are the way you are, Gagi, you have admitted all your shit. No one can do something – said Miljković.

I have been here for a long time, I suppose the viewers have already closed the case of Gagi Djogani and his profile – Gagi said.

Then the two talked about the group “Funky G”, and Gagi complained that how many concerts he and Anabela Atijas had never covered in the media, and Miljković praised their work.

Photo: Pink TV Print Screen

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Author: R.L.
