He made me ask my parents for money, the truth is that he had PUSHED it: Pink.rs in possession of correspondence from Miljana Kulic and Zola’s mother, Bose! THIS IS THE TRUTH ABOVE ALL! (PHOTO)


Miljana Kulić recently made a comment about his relationship with Lazar Colic Zola, and the media have speculated for days why the two really broke up.

Photo: TV with pink screen

Pink.rs has taken possession of a correspondence between Miljana and Zola’s mother Bose, who persistently refused to inform Kulic, but Miljana did not give up and told her everything in messages.

Boso, can I call you? I urgently need you something to tell you. Miljana writes to me every day and calls me. If you want to know the truth, because you don’t even know 30%, call. He told me a lot about his mother and father, so I insulted you to insult him. You know what I think of you. Aunt Boso, I understand to call you, you have not responded and I will not feel the bitterness of conscience, unless something has been given to God to happen to Lazarus. You would be outraged and angry if it was me. Lazar uses pills and alcohol. If her son were huddled here, she would respond. Now I have come back to myself and I want to tell you everything – Miljana Bosi wrote, but there was no answer.

Photo: Private Archive

Photo: Private Archive

Kulic was extremely persistent and called Zola’s mother several times, wanting to tell her everything, but then decided to say goodbye to her forever.

I blocked Lazaro’s father because the man is very bad and cruel. Answer if you want, if you don’t want, I understand you, he is your son and whatever you are, you are his mother. Instead of taking care of Zeljko’s golden girl, I saw Lazar breathe at night and see if he was alive. I did the best I could, the truth is that I broke the film and pasted it because everything occurred to me, he says in his correspondence, among other things.

Photo: Private Archive

I wanted to try to separate myself from my parents. He made me ask for money, for him I fought with my parents. Until he entered my life, my relationship with my mother was fantastic. Goodbye and nice. I wish you all the best in your life. You and your uncle Sasha and your son, after all, I don’t hate them, because I can’t do it. Miljana ended her correspondence with Bosa.

You can see the full correspondence below in this text.

Photo: Private Archive

Photo: Private Archive

Photo: Private Archive

Photo: Private Archive

Photo: Private Archive

Photo: Private Archive

Author: R.L.
