Dr. Milutin Gačić (55), KCB radiologist “Dragiša Mišović”, who had a crown twice, has been sleeping on his stomach for half a year because that is the only way he can breathe.
There is no chance on your back, your saturation drops immediately. It all started in early June, when he couldn’t take a deep breath, but the crown test came back negative.
Kovida complication
– A chest tomography showed nonspecific changes for coronary pneumonia. But he showed a finding that may correspond to the onset of acute respiratory syndrome, which is one of the complications of kovid. On June 15, I agreed with Dr. Tanja Milosevic to return home. But the next day my condition worsened, I was breathing harder, my lung pain intensified, my coughing, I couldn’t take three steps. Since I was negative and the scan was not specific, and the hospitals were full, I decided to stay home and lie face down, occasionally face down. For the first seven days, I couldn’t even brush my teeth and had no idea how to bathe. I was lying on my stomach, on a small sofa, and my head was hanging. I couldn’t breathe any other way, Dr. Gačić explains to Kurir and adds:
– The saturation was even three or four units higher when it was face down. He went down to 91 on his back and went from 95 on his stomach. I think that with the therapy and the constant change of position, I did not allow the accumulation of fluid in the lower parts of the lung parenchyma from the beginning and therefore the inflammation. If you were lying on your back, that is exactly what would have happened. Also, lying on the stomach, most of the lung parenchyma, which is located behind, is released for breathing.
He also tested other viruses for antigens and they all came back negative. He immediately “kicked” the family out of the apartment, but to no avail. The daughter was already positive on June 20. And that is why, in addition, he believes that it was the crown:
– During those three months, June, July and August, I constantly felt chills in my bones, as if I had a fever. And in the heat I put on a sweatshirt. I lost my breath again and had the feeling that my lungs were almost in my neck. The fatigue was pronounced, even with the slightest movement. After the MRI of the heart, myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) was ruled out, but the problems did not diminish. It all looked like asthma, which is also a possible complication of the crown. It was only after inhaling corticosteroids around October 15 that I breathed.

Two weeks in the hospital
He worked in September and October. And then, on October 30, he got a fever. Finally, the PCR was positive.
– At that time, he was already lying in “Mišović”, bilateral pneumonia. They gave me favipiravir, it seems it helped. I was in the hospital for two weeks, and then my wife, who was also positive. I’m still not working and now I feel a tightness in my chest. And I sleep on my stomach. Even at night, if I turn my back while I sleep, I can’t breathe. The key to everything is in your stomach. That fight of mine is incessant – says Gačić, who hopes that, however, he will soon go to work, to the Kovid hospital, to the front line.
Food on a chair in front of the door.
He was alone in the apartment. I didn’t let the family come. I put down a chair in front of the door, where my neighbors put their food in order. It was obvious how wonderful these people are and I am immensely grateful to them – says Dr. Gačić.
Kurir.rs/ Jelena S. Spasić

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