He lied to enter the country and the doctors knew that he DID NOT TAKE MEDICATION


Eltiona Skana, 30, suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, grabbed Emily Jones, who was riding a scooter in Queens Park in Bolton (Greater Manchester county), and killed her apparently terrified parents. Although Skana was known to pose a danger to children and medical staff, local staff supervising the Albanian woman were not notified. She was acquitted on Friday of the premeditated murder charges after the prosecution accepted the assessment that there were no real grounds to be charged with premeditated murder.

Skana pleaded guilty to murder for reducing insanity and her verdict is due Tuesday. Skana entered the UK illegally in 2014 and applied for asylum, claiming to be a victim of human trafficking. The Interior Ministry initially rejected the request, but for unknown reasons changed the decision and approved his stay until December 2024, the “Daily Mail” reports.

A Manchester court said Skana admitted to doctors that she lied when she said she was a victim of human trafficking.

Emili john

Photo: Profimedia

Emili john

The investigation found that Skana exhibited paranoid behavior in eight separate cases from August to December 2019, including, among other things, “threatening a 13-year-old girl, probably with a knife,” and her sister “warned staff” in the In the early stages of her illness, she refused to take antipsychotics.

After their therapy was changed, he underwent medical examinations twice a week, but was abruptly stopped in mid-December. He stopped using drugs, and in the three months before Emily’s murder, he was only under control once.

Emily’s father, Mark Jones, called Skana a “time bomb” and asked the Greater Manchester British National Health Service Foundation to apologize to the family for the mistakes made.

On March 22, little Emily was in the park with her mother Sarah Barnes and her father Mark Jones. The little girl was riding her scooter when she saw her mother in the distance and headed towards her. As he passed 31-year-old Eltiona Scanna, who has lived in Britain for four years, he got up from the bench in full peace, grabbed Emily and cut her throat with a knife.

Jonathan Petit, a psychiatric nurse and team leader at High Security Rempton Hospital, where Skana is treated, said a patient told him on August 16, during a visit to his family, “I killed someone, that’s why I’m here.” . I planned it, waited in the park, picked a victim and killed someone, and then tried to escape. “

Victoria Fagan, a nurse who treated Scanie before the unfortunate event, said Scanie was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and switched from injections to pills four months before Emily’s death.
