He knocked out a young man (23) in the parking lot and inflicted serious bodily injury.


Leskovac police arrested a thirty-five-year-old MB de Leskovac, suspected of inflicting serious bodily injury on a twenty-three-year-old boy and a twenty-year-old UB, on suspicion of participating in a fight.

According to the Leskovac Police Department, it is suspected that on September 27, MB approached a 23-year-old man in the parking lot in front of the Leskovac bar and hit him on the head with a fist, after which he fell on him. asphalt and suffered serious injuries.

Likewise, UB, as suspected, after a verbal argument, physically assaulted another twenty-three-year-old boy and kicked him in the head.

By order of the base prosecutor, the suspects were detained for up to 48 hours and will be taken to the competent prosecutor’s office in Leskovac, along with a criminal report.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
