“He knocked on her door, she didn’t want to open it”: Neighbors found out what was happening before Milan KILLS Maria


So say the neighbors of the building on Sterijina Street in Pancevo, where yesterday the bodies of Marija S. (31) and Milan Ž. Were found in a car in the parking lot. (41). Živojinović is suspected of having shot Marija, his lover, with a pistol shot and then shot himself in the head. The weapon was found in the vehicle near their bodies.

The bodies of Maria and Milan were found in her “golf course,” parked near the building where she lived with her two younger children.

On the fateful day, the murdered woman did not see her family, who otherwise live in Kačarevo, where Marija was born. A few hours before the horrible crime occurred, according to the story of Maria’s neighbors, Milan arrived at his apartment and knocked on his door several times. However, as they say, she refused to speak to him.


– He was arriving at his door, they were arguing, he left, but it seems that he was waiting in front of the building to leave. Her youngest daughter was in kindergarten and her oldest was probably in school. When she came out to the front of the building, he waited for her and dragged her to the car where he killed her. She probably didn’t want to be with him anymore, and that made him angry – says one of the neighbors.

A neighbor of the building where Marija lived, when she returned from work around 3 in the afternoon, she found a horrible sight in the parking lot. She called the police, who soon arrived at the scene.

The tenants of the building add that they did not hear the shots in the building, so they could not even imagine what was happening a few meters from their homes.

Photo: Facebook


Milan Ž, suspected of killing Marija and then committing suicide, was married with two children. He has another marriage behind him. As we know unofficially, he and Marija were in a secret relationship that hardly anyone knew about.

It has not yet been determined why he settled on the horrific crime that left four children without a parent, and the investigation into this crime is still ongoing.


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