“HE KNEW HER DOOR, SHE DIDN’T WANT TO OPEN IT” Neighbors find out what happened before Milan killed Maria IN A CAR in front of the building where she lived with her children


He was coming to his door, they were discussing something and he left. But he seems to have stayed in front of the building waiting for her to come out.

This is what the neighbors of the building on Sterija Street in Pancevo, where the bodies of Marija Stanojska (31) and Milan Zivojinovic (41) were found in a car in the parking lot, say to “Blic”. Živojinović is suspected of having shot Marija, his lover, with a pistol and then shot himself in the head. The weapon was found in the vehicle near their bodies.

The bodies of Maria and Milan were found in her “golf course,” parked near the building where she lived with her two younger children.

On the fateful day, the murdered woman did not see her family, who otherwise live in Kačarevo, where Marija was born. A few hours before the horrible crime occurred, according to the story of Maria’s neighbors, Milan arrived at his apartment and knocked on his door several times. However, as they say, she refused to speak to him.

She wanted to leave him, he killed her

– He was arriving at his door, they were arguing, he left, but it seems that he was waiting in front of the building to leave. Her youngest daughter was in kindergarten and her oldest was probably in school. When she came out to the front of the building, he waited for her and dragged her to the car where he killed her. She probably didn’t want to be with him anymore, and that infuriated him – one of the neighbors told “Blic”.

A neighbor of the building where Marija lived, when she returned from work around 3 in the afternoon, she found a horrible sight in the parking lot. She called the police, who soon arrived at the scene.

Marija Stanojević was killed in
Marija Stanojevic was killed in a “golf course” in front of the building where she lived with her two children

The tenants of the building add that they did not hear the shots in the building, so they could not even imagine what was happening a few meters from their homes.

A respectable family

Marija’s father, Dragan Stanojoski, a retired military man, owned a car park in downtown Pancevo a few years ago, where he works alongside his son Filip and several other employees. As one of the parking lot employees told “Blic”, he has known Marija’s father for a long time and never thought that something like this could happen to his daughter.

– What happened to them is terrible, and they are such an honest and good family. I personally knew Maria, she was always a good woman and had two daughters … Now, sadly, they have lost their mother. Two days ago, we all sat together in Pancevo and talked, we couldn’t guess that something like this could happen – said one of the employees.

A lot of cars owned by Mary's fatherPhoto: Sneža Krstić / RAS Serbia

A lot of cars owned by Mary’s father

As the neighbors said, Marija’s family is well off and the inhabitants of Kacarevo only have words of praise for them.

– They are a very wealthy family, they are normal and very nice people – said one of the neighbors.

The house in Kacarevo where the family of the murdered Marija livedPhoto: Snezana Krstic / RAS Serbia

The house in Kacarevo where the family of the murdered Marija lived

Marija’s family, who live in the town of Kacarevo, not far from Pancevo, declined to comment on the crime.

– This is a great shock for all of us, please leave us alone, it is very difficult for us – they briefly told reporters.

The killer was married, he has two children

Milan Zivojinovic, suspected of killing Maria and then committing suicide, was married with two children. He has another marriage behind him.

Milan ZivojinovicPhoto: Facebook / Milan Zivojinovic / Social networks

Milan Zivojinovic

As we know unofficially, he and Marija were in a secret relationship that hardly anyone knew about.

It has not yet been determined why he settled on the horrific crime that left four children without a parent, and the investigation into this crime is still ongoing.
