“HE KILLED BECAUSE SHE DIDN’T WANT TO BE WITH HIM” Jasmine’s brother and daughter-in-law stabbed in a house in Baric revealed that a municipal official had been harassing


Radovan Rasa Ranisavljevic (58) from Svileuva, near Koceljeva, who is suspected of killing Jasmina Puretic (46) on Thursday at a house in Baric, was questioned yesterday at the Belgrade Superior Prosecutor’s Office.

After the hearing, the prosecution requested that he remain in preventive detention for up to 30 days, Novosti writes.

The prosecution requested that he remain in detentionPhoto: koceljeva.gov.rs / screenshot

The prosecution requested that he remain in detention

Those closest to Jasmina were surprised yesterday by everything that happened to them. They say that Ranisavljević, otherwise the long-term head of the Department of General Administration in Koceljeva, turned them black. He stabbed Jasmina with several stabs, with whom he had an emotional relationship for several months. Then she hid the traces of the crime and drove to Šabac, where she tried to commit suicide by jumping from the bridge. The police prevented him from doing so, to whom he confessed the crime, after which he was arrested.

– Jasmina knew Radovan for a long time, but got to know him better just over a year ago – say, for “Novosti”, Jasmina’s brother, Petar, and daughter-in-law Biljana Puretić. – His wife was in the hospital. She was treated at the Serbian Clinical Center, where Jasmina worked as a cook. Radovan then, as a compatriot, asked him to leave his phone number, so that he could call her if he needed something related to his wife, or to him, because he himself, he said, was in poor health. She met him, because she really wanted to help everyone.

Radovan, it seemed, liked the kindness and kindness of her compatriot, but also herself.

The house where the murder occurredPhoto: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

The house where the murder occurred

– Little by little, Radovan began to call Jasmina more often on the phone, supposedly to ask about his wife’s health. And then since her voice was already hitting him to know that, he first started texting her and then courting her. He pretended to be kind, cultured, trying to conquer her, day by day – says his daughter-in-law Biljana.

Jasmina has been married for 28 years, but told family members that she had not had any contact with her husband for the past five. Son (27) and daughter (17) lived with their father, so Ranisavljević somehow managed to win her over so lonely and vulnerable, after a failed marriage.

House in BaricPhoto: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

House in Baric

– We told her that he was not for her, that he was a psychopath, that he was obsessed with many women in this area, because he is in an important part of the municipality. However, she did not listen to us. At least not right away, until she herself, about half a year ago, realized what kind of man he was. When, after a while, she got to know him a little better, his good and many more bad qualities, as well as pathological infatuation and jealousy, she decided to end their relationship. Then she wanted to stop seeing him, but he did not leave her alone, say those closest to Jasmina.

While Jasmina was working in Germany for several months at the beginning of the year, Radovan, according to those closest to Jasmina, attacked one of Biljana’s colleagues. They told him all that and then he definitely decided not to see him again.

– After her decision, Radovan literally started chasing her, following her, teasing her … He couldn’t accept the fact that Jasmina didn’t want him anymore. She blocked his calls, she didn’t want to see him anymore, but he didn’t leave her alone, nor did she give up. He even told her that she couldn’t block it as much as he could buy new phone numbers and call her from them. Our daughter recently spent a day with Jasmina, and then at night she said to us, “Mom, I think a man is stalking and following our Jasmina!” When she showed us her photo, we realized that it was Radovan, the affirmation of her closest ones.

Family members suspected that someone was harassing JasminaPhoto: Social networks

Family members suspected that someone was harassing Jasmina

On the fateful night in Baric, Jasmina probably didn’t want to let Ranisavljevic into the house, and then she climbed the ladder, smashed the window, entered and brutally killed him.

Burial after autopsy

Petar and Biljana Puretić, who live in Koceljeva, say they do not yet know the exact date and time of the funeral.

“We’ll find out after the autopsy,” says the daughter-in-law.

– In any case, our Jasmina will be buried in the town of Svileuva, where she is from and whom she loved immensely.
