He killed a man on the street, bloody beat innocent people with Velja, and now Boris Karapandžić has been arrested!



04.02.2021. 13:52 – 04.02.2021. 14:01

Karapandzic is also behind the trial for a car accident that he caused in 2019 when he killed a pedestrian in Belgrade.

Boris Karapandzic (34), one of the members of the former group of Janissaries, and now Principi, led by Veljko Belivuk, better known as Velja Nevolja, one of those arrested today in a major action by the police and the Security Information Agency . .

Karapandzic is one of the hooligans who broke into the “Committee” club in Beton Hall with Velja’s team two years ago, when they broke the whole club, beat up the security and the club guests!

Karapandzic also has a trial behind him due to a traffic accident that he caused in 2019 when he killed a pedestrian in Belgrade.

Then he was at the wheel of a “Chevrolet”, he hit a pedestrian while trying to run over the road.

Karapandzic was under house arrest for violent behavior in the “Committee”.

Up to 16 members of Velja Nevolje’s team, known as one of the most dangerous people in the Belgrade metro, were arrested early this morning in various places in Serbia. Belivuk was arrested in Rudnik, while his “right hand” Miljković “fell” in Belgrade. All were detained while driving vehicles in which various crimes were committed in order to burn them and thus present evidence.

The police searched numerous places and found material evidence confirming that this group is behind the most cruel crimes.

They are suspected of criminal acts of murder, kidnapping, drug trafficking …

KLUPKO GETS WRAPPED Another “partner” of Velja Trouble has fallen: Sale Struja has also been arrested, the great police action continues!
