Actress Daniela Steinfeld confirmed that she was sexually assaulted by a person she knew and trusted, which she did in the documentary “Heal Me”, which was recently screened at the Sarajevo Film Festival, adding that after that only wanted to leave. country because she feared a new violation, as well as for her own life.

Daniela Steinfeld also said that she could not report the rape because, when she tried to trust some close people, it was hinted that she could be the culprit for it. She did not rule out the possibility of revealing the name of the perpetrator to the prosecution and initiating the process.
Daniela says she did not want to publicly reveal the name of the person who raped her, because that would focus on the perpetrator, nor did she in the film.
“If I wanted to say the name of my rapist, since it is my author’s film and production, I would do it in the film, if I wanted to. The reason I did not mention the rapist in the film is simple. If I said the name of who did this to me, the whole focus of the film would be reduced to that, to my rapist. The film has the mission of drawing attention to the position of the victim, “said Daniela.
He adds, however, that he found it valuable and important to include talking to his rapist in the film, especially given the other victims he deals with in the film, and that a person would know that after someone is told “no “, all that. what happens next is a crime. Daniela Steinfeld, however, says that she would not call the person who raped her a powerful person.
“The person who raped me is an authority in me and in the profession. I personally would not call him a powerful man, but by default, because a man, older, who has a higher position than me in our profession, gives him the supposed right to take over me and my body, word, confidence, choice, take it and abuse it. . This position of power is very common in the case of rape, but it is not the rule. “He added that he did not make the film so that someone would believe him or not.

Asked if she would report the rapist to the competent authorities, Danijela confirmed that she was informed about the procedure initiated:
“I received information from the police inspector, in regards to the prosecution, and I and the law firm are still collecting information and it is not excluded that he may tell you that.”
He adds that, above all, he never dreamed that he could make a film like this, and less with one so difficult, but that the film and its subject left a strong impression on the public, and that he prompted the authorities to act.
“The reason why the prosecution started the process is the power of the film and I am glad that the lawsuit started two weeks after the screening at the festival and this issue was opened to the public, which makes me very happy.”
When asked under what circumstances the rape occurred, that a young actress could be raped, Daniela said:
“This opens a great field. We, all victims, are attacked mainly by someone around us, when we know, respect, care and trust. This is a fact that is very difficult to take into account, and if you understand that it is someone close to us more often, then you understand that the circumstances under which abuse occurs are the most common. “

The movie “Heal Me”, by the way, begins with Daniel’s video confession to the family.
“I want to tell you that I survived the rape four and a half years ago in Serbia and went to the United States after that. It was very difficult for me, and now I’m fine …” The actress and director of the film admits that it left strong and lasting consequences for her. She says that she did not want to tell her family everything so they would not worry, but that she decided to tell them because she is making a film about other rape victims in the United States and that she “covered that subject for a long time,” Pressing program.
Daniela Steinfeld says it is devastating because so many people are silent about what happened to them.
When asked why she did not report when it happened, Daniela said:
“When you go through what I went through, in those moments after that crime, after that trauma, terrible abuse, absolute insecurity, without knowing if you will ever be alive after that night … I, like other citizens of Serbia , I don’t know what to do we work. We don’t know which is the right path, and the worst thing is that we can’t find the strength to trust someone and we fear for our life and our future. I tried to tell that to some people close to me. I got a question from some close people: “Why were you close to him, why were you with that man in the car?” That man was someone with whom I was professionally and privately connected, this branch is very small and is connected and everyone we know each other. And the question of what I was doing next to someone implies that I could have caused that situation to happen in some way and that was my impact and my whole being that was being abused … that’s where I lost myself. “
Daniela says she did everything she could to protect herself. “I was afraid of being raped again and I just wanted to go somewhere where I felt safe.” She added that she experienced everything from the beginning while making the movie, but that she wanted to empower other victims to talk about what they survived. “I want to tell the victims that they are thinking if they should trust someone that everything will be easier after that. The most difficult thing is to pass that truth to the lips, for fear that someone will condemn it … We don’t know how to talk about it ”.

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