He is only 17 years old, he entered apartments and told his parents that his children were drug traffickers


FALSE INSPECTOR FALL IN ČUKARICA: He is only 17 years old, he entered the apartments and told his parents that his children were drug traffickers

Photo: Ana Paunković, Illustration

During the operational work, the Čukarica police station inspectors captured a false “colleague” who, as we unofficially found out, broke into citizens’ apartments in the last month, trying to rob them.

What surprised them, as we found out, is that their fake colleague is only 17, although he appears to be at least 20.

As we found out unofficially, the minor entered the buildings and asked who had children.

“When he managed to find out who had the children, he rang the bell and introduced himself as an inspector. He always gave different names and only had one block with him, ”explains a source familiar with the case.

He adds that he would still tell the host at the door to come in because the boy is allegedly distributing drugs to them.

“The astonished citizens let him in without saying a word. Then he would ask for their identity card and search everything in the block he was carrying. He had a compelling story for the shocked parents to hand over their documents without saying a word. However, it is believed “They asked for it then. An opportunity to rob them or actually had something else in mind when they took out their identity card data. This is now the subject of an ongoing investigation”, explains our interlocutor.

The false inspector was discovered because several upset parents called the police to verify what was happening with their children and if there were any procedures in progress.

“They called the police station and asked about a certain inspector when no one at the police station even found out. Then the parents fell in love, but then the police started working on the case, that is, looking for a fake colleague. After a month of operational and intensive work, the Cukarici inspectors found a teenager, “said our well-informed source.

Fortunately, he did not steal anything from the apartments, for which he is only charged with the crime of misrepresentation.


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Author: delivery courier
