He helped me in everything and the children to feed the MAIL IN IRINEJ’S COUNTRY (VIDEO)


Desanka Gavrilović (88), daughter-in-law of Patriarch Irinej, says by Kurir that Miroslav Gavrilović, as Patriarch Irinej used to be a secular name, helped her in everything.

During our visit to his birthplace yesterday, she tells us that she called him Bato out of pity.

– I married Vikom in 1956, Bato was living in Belgrade at the time, working in a very successful business company. He studied theology, he came to us often, he was like a brother to me.

photo: Courier

He helped me with the children, nothing was difficult for him. He helped me feed and swaddle the children. I had a hard time when he became a monk, his path was harder for me than my brother’s death, but that’s how it was written for him, what are you going to do, my Bato … – Desanka Gavrilović says to Kurir and adds

photo: Courier

He adds that Patriarch Irinej was in Vidovo for the last time this summer, two or three months ago, due to an agreement for the construction of a church that is being built in the village of Gavrilovići.

– Many relatives resent me for continuing to call him Bato, but he just made a wave with his hand and greeted my words with a smile. It was very difficult for me when I heard that he was sick, God forbid he dies – says our interlocutor.

Nobody lives in the patriarch’s house under Kablar today, occasionally his grandson and his family come here when he comes from abroad. Grandma Desa, who lives nearby, visits the house and takes care of it.


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Author: delivery courier
