“HE GAVE HER A DIVORCE, BUT NO FREEDOM” Colleagues revealed that Milena’s ex-husband followed her around the city, she lived in FEAR, but did not report him


He gave her a divorce, but not freedom. And after the divorce, he came to join her after work when she left. She ran away from him, she was very scared, but she did not report him to the police, probably because of the children, so as not to disturb them. If I did, I would now be alive …

This is how my colleague Milena Prokić (44) from Gornja Peščanica tells “Blic”, who was shot to death yesterday by her ex-husband Sasa Prokić (51), who later shot himself in the head. Colleagues that Milena worked with in the “Gramer” factory in Aleksinac, are shocked by the tragedy and say that yesterday they heard Sasa looking for her in the city …

Assassination of Aleksinac


Assassination of Aleksinac

– I was looking for her in the city yesterday. Milena worked until 2 pm Later, she went to the hospital to take medicine for the boy. She did it all the time. He knew she was going there, so he went looking for her. They saw him in the children’s ward of the Aleksinac hospital, and one of our colleagues recognized him because he asked him to help him button his jacket, as he had an injured arm. It was around 4 in the afternoon, just before the murder. Then he searched the city. As soon as he found her, he shot her, then himself – said Milena’s colleague to “Blic”.

As she adds, she has long feared such a tragedy could occur.

– A man like that who follows you non-stop cannot be normal … He gave her a divorce, and he followed her, so what is it? And you are silent for fear that the children will not suffer, and what we got, nothing. If they were divorced, she is still the mother of his children, but she is no longer his wife. She continued to care for her children. She used to come there, now that he couldn’t stand it… – says Milena’s colleague.

The women Milena worked with have only the best words about her. They say that life is difficult because Prokić mentally abused her.

– He changed a lot a year ago when he injured his hand and retired. They got divorced in June, but despite the divorce, she went to Gornja Peščanica, where her daughter and granddaughter lived with her ex-husband. The second daughter married in Razanj and had a son a month ago. He didn’t run away from home as they say, he just left. That this is so is evidenced by the fact that she and Sasa walked with their granddaughter in Aleksinac all summer, not only I saw it but also other colleagues, this is a small town. That’s why nobody expected such a tragic epilogue – says our interlocutor.

Milena’s colleague says the unhappy woman did not speak directly about how much she was afraid of her husband and what she was afraid of after the divorce, but that it clearly showed in her.

– She didn’t talk about it, but it was obvious. We sat and had coffee a couple of times and she spun around the whole time. When you sit down to drink coffee and your gaze constantly goes from left to right, it’s clear. Sample. She looked scared. “Are you okay, Milena?” I asked her. “Well, you can see for yourself,” was his reply. Everything was clear to me. “So why don’t you report it?” I asked her, and she fell silent. I’m sure she didn’t want to forgive them just for the kids. And if she had done that, this certainly would not have happened. But now it’s too late to talk about it, he says, adding that he only has the most beautiful words about Milena.

She came to send straight from the barn, so she secretly changed her clothes.

– She was an exceptional worker. Often she came to work all dirty, smelling of a barn, she knew how to wash herself by stealing, change by stealing so that her colleagues would not feel it. He didn’t have time to change jobs. It shows how much he sacrificed for his family and for himself. When he was injured, we collected money to help him, explains Milena’s colleague.

Take the first step, report the violence!

Several institutions in Serbia deal with the prevention of domestic violence. Women who feel insecure and who are abused by their partners or anyone else can call on various experts to help them overcome the problem.

192 – police

➜ 0800-100-007 – SOS Line of the Autonomous Center for Women

➜ 011 / 2656-178 – free legal aid for women undergoing legal proceedings

➜ 0800-100-600 reports of domestic violence
