He featured a chart with an unusual date, and then Dr. Srđa added something very important PHOTO


Professor Petar Kočović has been following the development of the coronavirus in Serbia for months through a mathematical model, and today he presented predictions for Europe and our country.

He points out that the majority of the total number of newly infected people was registered in Europe and that the numbers are not decreasing. On the other hand, the situation in the southern hemisphere is not worrisome.

– The number of infected people in Europe does not decrease, it varies between 280,000 and 300,000 per week. About 43% of new cases in the world are in Europe. All of Africa has fewer than 5,000 cases, China has about twenty new cases a day in the last three months, and China is Europe in terms of population, says Kočović.

He adds that the figures in our country continue to grow, that is, our number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants has been increasing in the last 14 days.

He also featured a graphic with the bill and a very unusual end date: “August 21 to January 4, 2021.”

– Why did I put this backwards? Because a couple of days ago it was August 21 and yesterday January 4 appeared as the date, and we can hope that in the coming days we can still quickly lower that curve for the New Year – he said.

Dr. Srđa Janković added and added something very important:

– I must add, this curve also depends on our behavior, the measures we take, how we implement them and how we behave. Nothing will correct itself here. The goal is not to welcome a new wave, but to reduce the numbers, he said.


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