He discovered how he felt while walking through the deserted streets (VIDEO)


BRITISH MAN IN BELGRADE WANTED TO SEE HOW SAFE THE CITY IS AT NIGHT: He found out how it felt while walking through the deserted streets (VIDEO)

Photo: Printscreen / Youtube / BIRMZE

The Briton behind the YouTube channel “Birmze” came to our country in December and decided to share his first impressions of our capital, traditional food, with his followers and show how he celebrated the holidays in the middle of the pandemic in Belgrade.

After visiting various places of interest upon arrival, he decided to show an evening walking tour, all in order to examine how safe our capital is, as it is ranked in the top 30 safest out of 160 countries.

Britanac, Belgrade, night
photo: Print screen / Youtube / BIRMZE

It started from Knez Mihailova to the Temple of San Sava and imposed two rules: there is no use of transport and the camera does not turn off.

Apart from noticing and sharing with his colleagues how Belgrade is decorated for the holidays, after a few minutes of walking, he immediately added that although he does not feel any danger on the city streets at midnight, I would not recommend that anyone do the same. As the.

– It’s 2 o’clock now. The streets are completely dead! I don’t know if that’s the case in all settlements, but personally I feel that Belgrade is quite safe – he said, approaching Slavija.

– I felt good walking through the Serbian streets at night, but whatever city you are in, be smart and stay safe – the British appealed.

In comments about their night tour, many point out that they cannot believe the streets are so empty, and those who visited Belgrade add that they had a similar feel to this YouTuber walking them.

“Be careful crossing the street, it is by far the most dangerous in Belgrade,” someone concluded, while people in our area explain that the indoor restaurants and clubs are responsible for the scary atmosphere and promise that “the streets will be livelier. , just to complete the crown. “

(Kurir.rs/ Blic)

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