He didn’t want to kill Mandic! If i wanted i could


Ivana Kontić’s defense lawyer, Zora Dobričanin Nikodinović, confirmed to Kurir that her client was questioned today before the Novi Sad High Prosecutor’s Office and that she presented a detailed defense and answered all questions raised.

As we learn, Kontić presented his defense in detail, denying that he ever thought, much less tried to kill anyone, especially Miljan Mandić, on 24 August in Novi Sad, with whom he claimed he had good relations.

– He said it all started when Mandić forbade him to enter the betting shop where he wanted to have a drink with friends that night. Mandic first chased him away and followed him, and then, as he put it, she stood in a pose as if to settle scores and threatened to “hit” them by holding her hand in her purse. After that, as he said, they started fighting over the bag because Kontić believed there was a gun inside. After the bag fell, everything turned into a fight between the two, in which they did not allow anyone to interfere, claims Kurir’s interlocutor.

photo: Courier, Private Archive, Screeenshot

The thesis of his defense, which he presented today, is that as a former member of the Montenegrin team in judo, he knows what interventions and blows are life-threatening, and he did not give any of them to Mandic during the physical confrontation, and if he wanted to , could.

Towards the end of the hearing, which lasted about three hours, Mandic’s defense attorney, Zora Dobricanin Nikodinovic, requested the removal of the acting deputy prosecutor who questioned Kontic.

As he confirmed to Kurir, he asked for an exemption because the prosecutor asked captive questions during the last half hour of the hearing, and mimicked the lawyer’s comments on each attempt, and rejected the comments he allowed.

photo: Private Archive

– The pressure on the defendant to answer suggestive questions, write down in the minutes what the defendant did not tell us and not enter what he said, was a drop that overflowed in the class and led my colleague Dejan Dejan and I to suspect that we should act partial deputy. We believe that such treatment creates a bad environment in this case, which is not good at all and is not necessary for anyone. In this way, attention is only diverted from the main thing, and that is that this is not in any way a case of attempted homicide and that the investigation is focused on establishing determining facts. However, this and other unfounded investigations are a consequence of the current concept of CPC and this will happen to us until it is changed and until the court is given a greater role during the investigation, and now that role is practically non-existent, he said. is Zora Dobricanin Nikodinovic from Kurir.

(Kurir.rs/J. Spasic / photo Printsceen, Kurir)

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