He deserves it, it was the good spirit of Belgrade


Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić stated that the Belgrade City Assembly received a proposal from Roma associations for Jay Ramadanovski to be buried in the Alley of Deserving Citizens, adding that Jay deserved to rest among the deserving citizens of Belgrade.

Jay ramadanovsky

Photo: Snezana Krstic / RAS Serbia

Jay ramadanovsky

– This part deserves a successful professional career, scientific work, but also artistic work. During his life, Jay became someone whose songs were heard by those who did not like the music he sang. He was the good spirit of Belgrade, he wasn’t perfect like any of us, but he was charming. Simple, Jay. How cool he was is best demonstrated by the feeling we all had when we found out he was dead. And those of us who knew him personally, and those of us who only knew him through songs. We feel as if we have lost a family member – said Goran Vesić as a guest on the morning TV show Happy, according to the Information Secretary.

Goran Vesić

Photo: RAS Serbia

Goran Vesić

– Jay secured eternal life for himself through songs to be sung as long as there are Serbs and Belgrade, – Vesić said, adding that he would suggest Jay get a landmark at Pančić Park in Dorćol, just off Skanderbeg Street where he grew up.

He recalled that, for someone to get a landmark or a street, according to the decisions of the Belgrade City Assembly, three years must pass from death.

“I will make a proposal, so we have three years for our artists to think about how best to remember Jay,” Vesić declared.

Let us remind you, the legendary singer Jay Ramadanovski passed away yesterday at the age of 56.

VIDEO: Brena on Jay
