He declared the Serbian hero crazy: What are you doing, he killed 11 of our soldiers!



29.09.2020. 19:56

Croatian President Zoran Milanovic pointed out today that JNA Milan Tepic commander, who died that day in 1991 after blowing up an arms depot in Bjelovar, has his own street in Belgrade and asked what children in Serbia are learning about him.

Zoran Milanovic and Milo Djukanovic

Zoran Milanovic, Photo: EPA

During his visit to the Barutan memorial site, on the day of Bjelovar Day in Croatia for the deaths of 11 Croatian soldiers, Milanovic assessed that Tepic made a “crazy decision” and said more serious talks should be held with Belgrade. .

“Enough nonsense, because we all know what happened and we are not naïve fools,” Milanovic said.

Does Croatia want good relations with Serbia?

Croatian President Milanović said that 29 years ago, “a major in an army on the brink of death made a crazy decision and you have to wonder what crossed his mind and what kind of education led him to something like this. “.

He claims that Croatia was already under attack at that time and that many barracks had fallen, as well as that the weapons that were there did not threaten Novi Sad and Belgrade, reports Hina.

“In such a situation, a man decides to take his own life, civilians and eleven Croatian guys and heroes who did everything here according to the rules of military action, but you cannot defend yourself from insanity,” Milanovic said.

Krk, Croatia

Croatia, Photo: Alo.rs/V.Đ.

He stated that when it comes to neighbors with whom Croatia wants to have good relations, they must show more good will to find almost 2,000 “Croatian sons and daughters who have disappeared”.

On November 19, 1991, Milan Tepic was posthumously awarded “for an extraordinary feat in fighting the enemy during his attack on the JNA barracks in Bjelovar” and was proclaimed a national hero of Yugoslavia.

Tepic was assassinated on September 29, 1991, after blowing up a military warehouse and himself, not wanting to hand over weapons to the enemy to kill his soldiers.

He was also killed and 19-year-old soldier Stojadin Mirković, who, despite Tepić’s order, did not want to surrender.

Today, in Kozarska Dubica, Major Milan Tepić’s Day of Remembrance was celebrated and it was 29 years since his heroic death at the Bjelovar barracks in Bedenik.

The commemoration said that the heroism of Major Tepic, who gave his life for the Republika Srpska and for the future of the Serbs, must never be forgotten.
