He continues to strongly condemn Kon’s statement about infecting doctors, he says.


Another doctor died in Serbia: Slobodan Blagojevic, who was 41 years old and working at the Kovid hospital in Batajnica. This data can only be found on the social networks of Slobodan colleagues. Crisis staff member Predrag Kon said yesterday that doctors get infected with corona during coffee breaks. He later needed to clarify his statement: He said it is unlikely that the doctors who died there were infected.

“We know within that part where we have serious protection and protective gear that the main places are possible places where we sit for coffee and take a short break,” Kon said.

Dr. Kon has repeatedly linked the infection to a coffee break, which has alarmed both the public and doctors. A member of the crisis staff explained such attitudes on his Facebook profile: It is highly unlikely that any of the deceased physicians were infected in this way.

“It is a scandalous, monstrous statement, I believe that he was condemned to social isolation with that statement because he is not our colleague and our brother,” said Andjela Gavrilovic of Unidos Contra Kovid.

The exhaustion, the high concentration of viruses, the washed spacesuits, a mask for a shift, are only part of what we hear from the red zone.

“Many of them do not drink liquids for hours before leaving the house because they have no way to go to the bathroom for the next seven or eight hours, some solve the problem by wearing diapers,” says Zoran Radovanović.

“The hospital where I work has eight-hour shifts where there is no break, there is no break for the toilet water to remove the mask,” Gavrilovic added.

“These are very difficult working conditions, and now that you hear that your colleagues, and every one of them knows someone they worked with who got sick and died, that they are negligent because they drink coffee during work hours, then it’s very difficult for them. guess what, “says Radovanović.

“You know, we are not a mobile phone, so let’s go home and recharge the batteries. That sadness takes you, the stress of human misery takes you and you cannot escape, neither mentally nor physically, to break up with it, and tomorrow you expect a new change, ”says Gavrilović.

In addition to the new shift and 2,000 new cases of kovida 19 every day, medical workers are now waiting for what crisis staff members will say about their work on television screens.

“It is a shame for someone who took the Hippocratic Oath and who should show absolute empathy towards the people who are his colleagues to become a prosthesis of power in the defense of the government,” said Sanda Raskovic Ivic.

It is inevitable that healthcare workers will also be infected, but so far no one has explained why so many of them died from kovid. Predrag Kon assures today that the possible reason for this is the greater dedication of the doctors. Data on infection and mortality of nurses, technicians and non-medical personnel working in kovid hospitals are not yet known.
