He came from Montenegro, he was yesterday in the Temple and he bent over the scaffold of the patriarch!



11.22.2020. 12:44 – 22.11.2020. 12:52

With the blessing of the Holy Synod, Bishop Methodius and Father Gojko Perović serve the liturgy today.

Funeral of Patriarch Irinej

Funeral of Patriarch Irinej, Photo: Nenad Vujanović / Hello!

The funeral of Patriarch Irinej in the Temple of Saint Sava in Vracar is attended by Prime Minister-designate Zdravko Krivokapic and the leaders of the ruling parliamentary parties Andrija Mandic, Milan Knezevic, Vladimir Jokovic, Dado Scekic, Goran Danilovic and Marko Milacic.

Mandator Krivokapić bowed before the scaffold of the patriarch yesterday in the Temple.

The funeral is also attended by the champions of the Serbian National Council of Montenegro, Dr. Momcilo Vuksanović and Baćko Milačić.

SERBIA SEND PATRIARCH IRINEJ TO ETERNAL REST A letter from Moscow is read at the funeral, everyone stands still and listens to the message of crucial importance for Serbia (PHOTO / VIDEO)

As announced by the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Diocese of Budva-Niksic, the funeral will be attended by Bishop Methodius of Diocletian, Archpriest-Staurophore Obren Jovanovic, the Secretary of the Metropolitanate of Montenegro-Primorje, Archpriest-Staurophore Gojko Perovic, the Rector of the Archpriest of Cetinje Theological Seminary, the Archpriest and the Theological Archpriest Archimandrite Arsenije, abbot of the Kosijerevo monastery.


Last night they arrived in Belgrade and paid tribute to the funeral of the late Patriarch Irinej, which is on display in the Temple of Saint Sava in Vracar.

With the blessing of the Holy Synod, Bishop Methodius and Father Gojko Perović serve the liturgy today.
