He buried his mother and father on Saturday, yesterday, and his own brother


HORRIBLE!  LEAVE LEFT WITHOUT FAMILY FOR THE CROWN: He buried his mother and father on Saturday, yesterday and his own brother

Photo: Nezavisne narodne novine Rasinski okrug

Goran Maksić (42), who died of coronavirus on Saturday at Kovid hospital in Parunovac after six days of fighting for his life on a respirator, was buried yesterday in the local cemetery in the village of Vražogrnci, near Aleksandrovac.

He was accompanied to eternal rest by his brother Dejan (46), who buried his father Milovan (72) and his mother Nada (66) on Saturday. First, Father Milovan passed away at Kovid Hospital in Kruševac on Thursday, February 18, a day later Mother Nada, and as Dejan said goodbye to them in the village cemetery, she was told that her brother Goran had also passed away.

According to Nezavisne narodne novine from the Rasina district, the entire parish sympathizes with the family, who they say is honorable and honest. Neighbors and friends comforting the inconsolable Dejan have only words of praise for the Maksić family, saying that the late Goran was an extremely good, diligent and honest guy.

Shocked by this news, big-hearted people from Serbia and the diaspora reached out to help at least financially the inconsolable Dejan, who was unable to speak on behalf of the newspaper. His grief-stricken wife Biljana told Kurir on Sunday that his tragedy cannot be described in words and that no one can yet believe how his loved ones, who were healthy, were cut off by the crown so quickly.

Kurir.rs / JP

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Author: delivery courier
