He broke the glass with a budak and threatened with a fake pistol THE PCU ARRESTED HIM SO! (VIDEO)


POŽAREVAC – Members of the Belgrade Criminal Police Directorate and the Požarevac police, in a joint action, arrested DM (34) from Požarevac, due to the existence of grounds to suspect that he committed the criminal acts of robbery and aggravated robbery.

It is suspected that, in disguise, he broke the window of an exchange house with a budak around 5 in the afternoon yesterday and, threatening with a replica of a pistol, stole more than 400,000 dinars and about 1,000 euros from a 27-year-old worker years.

On that occasion, the exchange office worker suffered minor bodily injuries.

photo: MUP Srbije

DM is also suspected of breaking into a shop in Požarevac on the night of November 29-30 this year, from which he stole food products worth around 140,000 dinars and a laptop.

During the search of the apartment where he was hiding, the police found all the money, as well as other items that will be returned to the owners.

The suspect was detained for a maximum of 48 hours and will be taken to the Požarevac General Prosecutor’s Office, together with a criminal report.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
