He bought a house in Teočin and opened a bar in the basement where he only serves Serbian toast.


GORNJI MILANOVAC – And while many Serbs went to America, wanting to make their dream come true, one American chose Serbia as the country of his dreams. Angel Lewis from New Orleans arrived a few months ago in the town of Teocin, which is located in the municipality of Gornji Milanovac. He bought a dilapidated Serbian house, without windows and without electricity, in which mice reigned even before he entered.

photo: Rina.rs

“When I arrived, half the windows were missing or broken. This was a mouse hotel. I have no electricity so I use old school candles. The stove I picked up in Arandjelovac heats up really well because it can get very cold here in winter. “Maybe I’ll go to Belgrade in winter, if I can’t heat the house,” Lewis told RINA.

Angel settled from London, Berlin, Amsterdam and Costa Rica, where he spent two years, but as he himself says, Serbia is his refuge and the place where he plans to live until old age.

photo: Rina.rs

“I think it could be the best country on the planet because it has natural resources, intelligent people and nowhere in the world is food of such high quality, nor is the air and water so healthy. I don’t talk to people much about Serbia, I don’t want to promote it because who knows who would remember it. “Many would come with money and then the Serbs would not be able to live, because prices would go up,” he said.

For him, Serbs are very good people, kind and, above all, great workers. He is happy that in the village of Teocin he can even speak English to many of them. All the neighbors are delighted with the new inhabitant of this place on the Suvobor slopes, and he is a favorite because he made a bar in the basement of his new house where he only serves Serbian toast.

photo: Rina.rs

“It’s a bit different, it has some western, punk, rock flair, but we got into the story. He is a world traveler and you can see that he is very satisfied in Serbia. The house he came to was not in good condition, he started investing and tidying it up, he has his own idea. It’s strange, but he delighted us with how communicative he is “, Aleksandar Paunović from Teočin.

photo: Rina.rs

Angel Lewis went to Serbia because of his daughter and ex-partner, he did not regret it and apparently will stay there.


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