He became an administrator of the Ravna zemlja Balkan group, so he changed his name to Okrugla zemlja! RUINED THEM!


Treason! The message was waiting for the llaneros ice cream this morning, an alarm followed! On the Facebook group “Ravna zemlja”, the shocked members soon realized what it was all about. One member of the group has been arguing for months that the country is a “flat plate.” Over time, he gained the trust of the principals on this FB page, and was recently appointed a group manager.

And then he ruined them. Changed the group name “Ravna zemlja Balkan” to “Okrugla zemlja Balkan”.

Flat earth, flatlanders, flat plate
photo: Facebook

“Good afternoon, I hid and waited. This is a betrayal, a greeting from the balloons,” wrote “ellipsozemljaš”, and the fleets will have to wait a month to change the group name.

Meanwhile, it was revealed who surrounded the minds of the members of group FB. This is Mustafa Sejdinović, who earned the trust of the group’s administrators with a lot of work, who did not even think that his comrade in arms would “corner” them and stab them in the back. And in the place where they are weakest, on the globe!

The desperate members of the group tried everything, so they wrote to Mark Zuckerberg and told him that they were attacked by an anonymous “hacker”, who crawled under their skin and then stabbed them in the back.

    Mustafa Sejdinović
Mustafa Sejdinović photo: Facebook

“What a shame! Can this be changed in any way!? Mark Zuckerbeg, please help us,” the group yells. “The troll broke into the administrator and changed the name. No name return for 28 days.”

The astonished administrators of the “new” group “Round Country Bachkan” blamed themselves and admitted they were naive.

“Those who know the real truth about planet Earth were not that familiar with the intentions of the people a click away from themselves,” they said.

After correspondence and lamentations between them, the traitor also spoke out. Mustafa Sejdinović sent them a message:

Flat earth, flatlanders, flat plate
photo: Facebook

“My dear ones, I know that this damn 2020 was very difficult for us, but that’s why they have me, to fix their day, week, month or maybe year. This it is:

I was a member of the group Ravna Zemlja, a collection of complete nuts, and I had in mind to fuck them, but how? They mercilessly erased all the “balloons” so I had to stalk and wait. And then yesterday, as ordered, they ask if anyone wants to be a manager. I didn’t attend classes, I called, and imagine please, they gave me an administrator! The menu, which they do not even know, that they could consult with a single click on the profile. My fucking moment came, and I did it spectacularly. Look at the screenshots and enjoy. Happy 2021 everyone, to be better than 2020.

PS: I renamed them Round Country and they cannot change it for the next 27 days. Beautiful, “Mustafa added.


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Author: delivery courier
