He ate both his father’s ears and part of his stomach! The police find cannibals in a pile of garbage (KURIR TV)


The mentally ill Dušan M. (39) from Glogonjski rit near Belgrade ate both ears and part of the stomach of his father Aleksandar, who died in the family apartment. The hungry Dušan ate human flesh for seven days, until the police broke into the apartment and discovered the horror.

A gruesome tragedy was uncovered on Friday, when neighbors reported that an unbearable stench came from the apartment where Dušan and his father Aleksandar lived.

According to sources in the investigation, the police broke down the front door and found the incredulous Dušan M. among the pile of garbage.

“He smelled very bad and he had grown a long beard and hair, and his hands were terribly dirty. The unfortunate man only repeated to each question from the inspector that he was very hungry and had nothing to eat,” says the interlocutor. :

“While the police and Dusan tried to establish some communication, another patrol searched the apartment. They were shocked when they noticed Aleksandar’s corpse on the bed in the bedroom, which was in an advanced stage of disintegration. After that, there was still a commotion. Major, he noticed that the unfortunate old man was missing ears and parts of his stomach, as well as that traces of a human bite were visible on his body. “

Dušan M. was immediately referred to the Infectious Disease Clinic, and from there he was subsequently transferred to a psychiatric hospital.

According to the means of his source of the investigation, the body was sent for an autopsy, where it was determined that Aleksandar died a natural death, seven days before the police found the body.

Jelena, whose husband reported that an unbearable stench came from the apartment where Aleksandar and Dušan lived, said she saw Dušan being removed from the apartment by the police.

“There was always bad breath in his apartment, but on Friday it was unbearable. I can’t describe how it smelled. So my husband called the police. I saw Dusan when the police took him out of the apartment. He was confused and terribly dirty. in the urine, but I didn’t really see blood in it, “says Jelena.

Aleksandar bought the apartment three years ago and he and Dušan never really caused any problems.

“Before, the father would take his son when he went to the store or for a walk. However, in recent months, Dušan would not leave the apartment. Sometimes we would see him lean out the window and that’s it,” says neighbor Jelena .

He adds that he is not clear why they lived so disorderly.

“They had no financial problems, because I know they had money. Alexander had a pension and bought it in the store. He brought food, but they were both neglected. They did not bathe. They smelled of stale sweat and urine. They were terribly neglected.” Aleksandar was walking down the hallway of the building, he could smell it for days. A month ago, we wrote again to the Social Work Center and asked for help, but again no one responded, “he said.


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