He asked Vladimir to return his son: the police reacted again tonight because of Sandra Obradović Scene


V. M. P. The |

May 13, 2020 11:27 PM |

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The former Miss Serbia and reality show participant Sandra Obradović made another incident tonight, in front of the building in Zvezdara where her partner Vladimir B., whom she accuses of domestic violence, lives.

The former Miss Serbia and reality show participant Sandra Obradović made another incident tonight, in front of the building in Zvezdara where her partner Vladimir B., whom she accuses of domestic violence, lives.

Let us remind you that she was accompanied by the police at the Emergency Center a few days ago, because, as she claimed, she was beaten by her single husband and the father of her seven-month-old son Andrej. Vladimir B., on the other hand, claimed that Sandra was in an alcoholic state, that she had been drinking for some time and that she was neglecting the boy, so she took the baby with him, which was requested by social services. The old lady was measured with two per thousand of alcohol in her blood, and also obtained a report for violating public order and peace.

Tonight, Sandra went to Vladimir’s apartment on Veljko Dugosevic Street, demanding that he return the boy, whom he had not seen since the weekend. He refused and called the police, and when the patrol arrived, Obradović was asked to leave the address. Sandra asked law enforcement officials to make a search, which they did, and told her that she could pick it up as early as eight in the morning, at the police station in Zvezdara.
