HE ASKED US IF WE HAVE SEX AND IF PLEASE: New details of the case that astonished Serbia – He took the girls to a room …


This was told to the police by one of the five girls who reported Miroslav Miko Aleksić (68), a famous Belgrade acting teacher, for rape or sexual harassment.

The girls testified about the experience they say happened to them at Mike Aleksić’s school. Each told their own unique story, but they pointed to the identical work scheme that, as they say, Aleksić has been perfecting for decades.

“Every woman should have a secret. If she doesn’t have a secret, she’s not a woman,” she told us. It was only long after that we saw that it was their game, setting the stage for the horrors that followed, the girls told police.

The police and the prosecution will cross the statements of the five girls to establish the operating scheme of Mike Aleksić’s acting school. In the past, for example, it did not seem suspicious that Mika Aleksić did not want to have any contact with the students’ parents. Now it looks different. And many who mean something in acting today went to Mika’s acting school. Generations of children have followed their rules!

The rules were strict, almost cruel, as the renowned young actress Milena Radulović put it. Only those who adhered to them could remain in Mika’s group.

The first rule, says Milena Radulović, was “a treasure for the poor in spirit, theirs is the real sky.” Second, “I am not angry because you are lying to me, but because you think I believe you.” When someone lied to you, you were given the task of writing that broken rule 1,500 or 2,000 times in a notebook.

The third rule was “there is no self-management in the group, only Mika drives”, the fourth “there is no infatuation in the group, because that spoils the friendship”, and the fifth “there is support for OFK Belgrade in the group”. The sixth rule refers to delay. “Nobody shitted his pants because his bathroom is far, but because he left late,” said Aleksić, as Milena Radulović says.

Milena Radulović / Photo by V. Danilov

She understood the punishments, she says, when she was guilty and accepted them. However, she felt uncomfortable when, as she claims, he put them in the shame column just because they have an opinion that doesn’t match hers.

– It was cruel when you say something that is not his. You would be in the wallpaper that day. It was much tougher on Miroslav Aleksić than in any training or class I have ever attended, says Milena Radulović.

Perhaps most unusual was Aleksić’s kind of “nullification” from his parents and his role in the lives of the children who attended his classes.

– The parents were not allowed to be present, nor did Mika communicate with them. Whether it was because of their place of origin or because of their occupation, there was always something that humiliated parents when talking to their children. It happened that some people got upset, so they left the group. Mika said they were lazy and weak – says Milena Radulović.

According to her, Aleksić constantly said: “I never called anyone here! I don’t need you, son, you need me!” The children would then become attached to their friends, going on trips and fairs, so leaving the group would be difficult for them.

Aleksic also talked about sex in class.

– The theme of sex and erogenous zones, exercises where partners approach and touch … The history of sexuality was present when we were 13-14 years old. He asked us these things in public, and privately he asked us if we had sex, if we liked it and said that sex is important for health. At the time, it seemed to us that it was pedagogical. He asked everything, so we didn’t think it was unnatural – says Milena Radulović.

Mika’s authority among the boys grew and the participants were afraid of him, according to the girls who reported him to the police. They claim that he threatened them “in some package.”

– Through the conversation, to emphasize that if you ever speak, he is what he is and no one will believe him, and that he does not recommend him in a friendly way – says Milena Radulović.

Photo: Printskrin

After Milena Radulović and four other girls, yesterday two more girls gave a statement to the police. One of them is Sara Zeljković, who was a student at Aleksić’s school and who told the police about the abuse in her case. With her was another girl who wished to remain anonymous.

– It is very important to point out that my statement was voluntary and public and that the media took the statement from my networks and published it. If you give a statement to the police, you can be sure that they will remain anonymous if you wish. I want to invite all the girls who have any experience of sexual abuse by Aleksić to contact me and put them in touch with the great people of the police who are working on this case. It is important to note this, so as not to accidentally question the police procedures, which are very professional, meticulously carried out and guarantee anonymity. I come from the police, where I officially gave a statement with another girl whose story will remain anonymous, Zeljković wrote.

In the first post, immediately after Milena Radulović’s confession, Sara presented the details of an unpleasant experience while attending acting school with Aleksić.

– When I turned 16, 17, Mika invited me to the office for an interview. I don’t remember exactly how he communicated it. Still, he started questioning me about sex. I remember very well the questions, as well as what I had trained that day, which I later heard that I wanted to happen when there was some traumatic moment in your life. The questions were: “Are you moving?” I was confused, but since I was destined in my life to answer all of Mika’s questions, I shyly replied “yes” to which he laughed and said, “Yes, yes, but do you like to move?” Hey? “I was still confused, but he kept asking questions.” And where do you like to go the most? “I still had a dull face on my face, so instead of me he answered that question:” Where did you get, huh? “, After that he stopped questioning me and the only situation I remember afterwards was that he asked me to get up and turn around, which I obediently did, so that he would stroke / shake my butt and say: “It’s a bucket, but it can happen. “It’s just part of another girl’s confession.


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