He asked Ostoja about the former Serbian captain, and the answer will be “gravediggers”!


What will Partizan be like next season?

There are certain things like staying a lot of these
black and white players, Jaramaz has a contract, Zagorac is under signature,
We hope Gordic next season, at least two Americans
of the present composition.

However, the club will work to attract Serbian players, which is
confirmed by Ostoja Mijailovic.

Also, yesterday it was known that they were black and white.
interested in Milan Macvan, former national team player and
captained the national team at EP 2017.

“We are working to bring the players home, but let’s not go
with names until done. If something happens, you will be
informed, will know
“Ostoja Mijailovic said
“Delivery courier”.

He also had something to say about the proposal to play the Euro Cup final in

“We didn’t propose it, that proposal came from someone else
I personally wrote to the President of the Euroleague fifteen days ago and
suggested playing in Belgrade of course if they were created for it
opportunities and the man thanked me for that. Our proposal was
Belgrade, but it is not we who decide, but the Euroleague “
it’s mijailovic

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