He asked him for a € 120,000 racket, and then he started to sing it!


An accusation has been brought against Kaloštrović and he is accused of having committed a crime: autocracy. The Police Administration announced today that the police lodged a criminal complaint against Kaloštrović with the competent prosecutor.

It is alleged that on August 25, an employee of the Tivat Security Department forwarded the report submitted by Knezevic to the Budva Security Center. They explain that Knežević stated in the report that he was staying at a restaurant in Budva and that Kaloštrović approached his table.

“As SK says in the report, MK took him inside a nearby store where he threatened him and demanded that he hand over 120,000 euros in the morning. According to the report, MK hit SK several times in the area of ​​the head” . , according to the Police Administration, writes Vijesti of Podgorica.

They add that Knezevic, according to the details of the report, then returned to the dining room, where shortly afterwards Kalostrovic arrived with several other people and sat at a table and “continued to threaten him, not allowing him to leave the dining room.”

Police further allege that Knezevic stated in the report that the defendant possessed a weapon which he threatened with while they were in the dining room, and that he later threatened his wife over the phone.

“By order of the competent investigating judge, the apartment and other premises used by MK were searched when two starter pistols and a large quantity of ammunition for this weapon were found and seized. The competent prosecutor was informed of the measures and actions taken. File a criminal complaint on suspicion of committing a crime: autocracy, ”it was said from UP. The police also confiscated the content of the video surveillance from two places, and it was also sent to the prosecutor on August 25.


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Author: delivery courier
