01.10.2020. 21:07 – 01.10.2020. 22:26
The unsubstantiated attacks against President Aleksandar Vučić continue.

Radmila Rada Đurić, Photo: Screen Printed / YT / Personal Attitude
As we have already written, the media under the baton of conductor Dragan Djilas does not stop lying about the President of Serbia, not even deciding whether to blacken the members of the Vucic family.
Although the already proven lie of the media mogul that Andrej Vučić, brother of the President of Serbia, is a kind of landowner, having thousands of hectares of land in Vojvodina, the new and even more stupid lies come from the opposition , has not calmed down yet.
The journalist Radmila Đurić was also amused by this news, in whose author show the statement of a farmer from Vojvodina was released.

Vojvodina farmer, Photo: screen printed / YT / Personal attitude
In the introduction, Rada Đurić announces that one of the peasants who complained to Jelisaveta Vasilić called them today to testify about the land, and the aforementioned priest literally denies the allegations that Andrej Vučić is the owner of any land in Vojvodina.
When asked by the journalist “if Vučić’s brother owns land in Vojvodina”, the farmer replied that it was not true.
– Well, we have no information about the purchase of land by Andrej Vučić. All land in Vojvodina has already been sold, except for state land. We are calling about the filing of criminal charges through the Jelisaveta cadastre, and not about Andrej Vučić – concluded the farmer, a farmer from Vojvodina.
It is clear that Milovan Brkić, the leader of líderilas in creating such stories, is a fake journalist and scammer who was the first to put that story on the Internet.